Hey HalfMoon ,
Ich habe jetzt alles eingerichtet - lief auch alles ohne Probleme.
Problem - Das Problem von oben besteht weiterhin.
Gut 22 Uhr.. maybe sollte ich Morgen einfach weiter schauen, recht spät.
Vielleicht hast du noch einen ansatz?
Beiträge von TheNyor
Der port 2412 (DZSA-ServerLancher) für die 2te Intanz fehlt noch...
Hast Du MOD installiert? Dann musst Du Deine Server auch mit der DZSAServerLauncher (2312 / 2412) die startet dann DayZServer (2302 / 2402).
Zusätzlich wird dann noch der Port 27016 und 27017 gestartet. Also 1te Instanz 27016. 2te Instanz 27017. Falls Du den Query Port nicht anders definiert hast.
Ich empfehle Dir den OmegaManager vom CFTools
Das Tool übernimmt alle Einstellungen für Dich. Im Router musst Du die natürlich nachziehen...
Vielen dank erstmal für deinen Post!
Denn Port oben hatte ich schon ein mal aktiv.. kein erfolg..
Aber deinen tipp mit "CFTools" versuche ich jetzt mal.
Danke nochmal
Grüße. -
Normal habe ich damit keine Probleme,
jedoch verstehe ich nicht wieso es mit DayZ SA nicht klappt.
Ich habe einen HomeServer (Windows 10 Pro)
Habe alle nötigen Ports usw in der Firewall sowie im Router freigegeben.Via -> https://dayzsalauncher.com/#/servercheck/
Bekomme ich auch die Meldung das alle 2 Server Online & Startklar sind.
Was ist nun mein Problem?
Wenn ich Livonia starte & danach Cherno findet man von außen nur denn Livonia Server. (Dz Launcher)
Starte ich Cherno & danach denn Livonia Server findet man von außen nur denn Cherno Server. (Dz Launcher)
Dato via "Lan" finde ich alle 2 Server.
Ich denke das ich was total verpeile aber nicht drauf komme..
Maybe ihr?
Meine Config & Bats. ->
ChernoCode@echo off cls set watch=DayZ Cherno Server title %watch% Watchdog cd "S:\Server\DayZ_Cherno" :watchdog echo (%time%) %watch% started. start "DayZ Cherno Server" /wait "DayZServer_x64.exe" -port=2402 -srcAllowFileWrite -config=serverDZ.cfg -bePath=S:\Server\DayZ_Cherno\battleye -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck -noFilePatching -profiles=ServerProfiles echo (%time%) %watch% wurde beendet! DayZ Server wird neu gestartet... goto watchdog
Alles anzeigenhostname ="Die Spielwiese PvE 2"; password ="123"; passwordAdmin ="123"; maxPlayers =60; verifySignatures =3; forceSameBuild =1; disableVoN =0; vonCodecQuality =7; disable3rdPerson =0; disableCrosshair =0; serverTime ="2020/6/21/8/00"; serverTimeAcceleration =8; serverNightTimeAcceleration=1.5; serverTimePersistent =1; guaranteedUpdates =1; loginQueueConcurrentPlayers=5; loginQueueMaxPlayers =500; instanceId =1; lootHistory =1; storeHouseStateDisabled =true; storageAutoFix =1; respawnTime =5; motd[] = {"",""}; motdInterval =1; maxPing =300; timeStampFormat ="Short"; logAverageFps =1; logMemory =1; logPlayers =1; logFile ="server.log"; enableDebugMonitor =0; steamQueryPort = 28016; // defines Steam query port, should fix the issue with server not being visible in client server browser class Missions { class DayZ { template="dayzOffline.chernarusplus"; }; }; adminLogPlayerHitsOnly = 0; adminLogPlacement = 0; adminLogBuildActions = 0; adminLogPlayerList = 0; lightingConfig = 0; disablePersonalLight = 1; enableWhitelist = 0; networkRangeClose = 20; // network bubble distance for spawn of close objects with items in them (f.i. backpacks), set in meters, default value if not set is 20 networkRangeNear = 150; // network bubble distance for spawn (despawn +10%) of near inventory items objects, set in meters, default value if not set is 150 networkRangeFar = 1000; // network bubble distance for spawn (despawn +10%) of far objects (other than inventory items), set in meters, default value if not set is 1000 networkRangeDistantEffect = 4000; // network bubble distance for spawn of effects (currently only sound effects), set in meters, default value if not set is 4000 /////////////////StaminaConfig start////////////////////// //explanation (defaultvalue) stamina_max = 100;//Max Stamina values DONT TOUCH!(100) stamina_min_cap = 50;//In units overload won't reduce max stamina bar under this value(5) stamina_sync_rate = 1;//In seconds to update stamina(1) stamina_kg_penalty = 0;//In units reduced from max stamina bar for each 1 kg of load weight(1.75) stamina_weight_limit = 20000;//In grams max weight before players is penalized(6000) stamina_gain_jog = 1;//In units how much stamina units is gained while jogging(2) stamina_gain_walk = 1;//In units how much stamina units is gained while walking(4) stamina_gain_idle = 1;//In units how much stamina units is gained while being idle(5) stamina_gain_swim = 1;//In units how much stamina units is gained while swimming no sprint(1) stamina_gain_ladder = 1;//In units how much stamina units is gained while climbing ladder no sprint(1) stamina_drain_sprint = 1;//In units how much sprint depletes stamina(4) stamin_drain_crouch_sprint = 1;//In units how much crouch sprint depletes stamina(1) stamina_drain_light_melee = 2;//In units how much light melee depletes stamina(5) stamina_drain_heavy_melee = 10;//In units how much heavy melee depletes stamina(25) stamina_drain_evade_melee = 4;//In units how much evading depletes stamina(8) stamina_drain_jump = 10;//In units how much jumping depletes stamina(25) stamina_drain_vault = 10;//In units how much vaulting depletes stamina(20) stamina_drain_climb = 10;//In units how much climbing depletes stamina(42) stamina_drain_holdbreath = 1;//In units holding breath depletes NOTE: value is x 0.2 (leave as 0 for none)(1) stamina_drain_ladder = 2;//In units how much sprinting ladder climb depletes stamina(8) stamina_drain_swim = 2;//In units how much sprinting swimming stamina(5) stamina_threshold_holdbreath = 10;//In units min amount of stamina needed to holdbreath(10) stamina_threshold_jump = 10;//In units min amount of stamina needed to jump(25) stamina_threshold_vault = 10;//In units min amount of stamina needed to vault(20) stamina_threshold_climb = 10;//In units min amount of stamina needed to climb(42) stamina_threshold_melee_evade = 5;//In units min amount of stamina needed to melee evade(8) stamina_threshold_melee_heavy = 5;//In units min amount of stamina needed to melee heavy10) /////////////////StaminaConfig end//////////////////////
Code@echo off cls set watch=DayZ Enoch Server title %watch% Watchdog cd "S:\Server\DayZ" :watchdog echo (%time%) %watch% started. start "DayZ Enoch Server" /wait "DayZServer_x64.exe" -port=2302 -srcAllowFileWrite -config=serverDZ.cfg -bePath=S:\Server\DayZ\battleye -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck -noFilePatching -profiles=ServerProfiles echo (%time%) %watch% wurde beendet! DayZ Server wird neu gestartet... goto watchdog
Alles anzeigenhostname ="Die Spielwiese PvE"; password ="123"; passwordAdmin ="123"; maxPlayers =60; verifySignatures =3; forceSameBuild =1; disableVoN =0; vonCodecQuality =7; disable3rdPerson =0; disableCrosshair =0; serverTime ="2020/6/21/8/00"; serverTimeAcceleration =8; serverNightTimeAcceleration=1.5; serverTimePersistent =1; guaranteedUpdates =1; loginQueueConcurrentPlayers=5; loginQueueMaxPlayers =500; instanceId =1; lootHistory =1; storeHouseStateDisabled =true; storageAutoFix =1; respawnTime =5; motd[] = {"",""}; motdInterval =1; maxPing =300; timeStampFormat ="Short"; logAverageFps =1; logMemory =1; logPlayers =1; logFile ="server.log"; enableDebugMonitor =0; steamQueryPort = 27016; // defines Steam query port, should fix the issue with server not being visible in client server browser class Missions { class DayZ { template="dayzOffline.enoch"; }; }; adminLogPlayerHitsOnly = 0; adminLogPlacement = 0; adminLogBuildActions = 0; adminLogPlayerList = 0; lightingConfig = 0; disablePersonalLight = 1; enableWhitelist = 0; networkRangeClose = 20; // network bubble distance for spawn of close objects with items in them (f.i. backpacks), set in meters, default value if not set is 20 networkRangeNear = 150; // network bubble distance for spawn (despawn +10%) of near inventory items objects, set in meters, default value if not set is 150 networkRangeFar = 1000; // network bubble distance for spawn (despawn +10%) of far objects (other than inventory items), set in meters, default value if not set is 1000 networkRangeDistantEffect = 4000; // network bubble distance for spawn of effects (currently only sound effects), set in meters, default value if not set is 4000 networkRangeClose = 20; // network bubble distance for spawn of close objects with items in them (f.i. backpacks), set in meters, default value if not set is 20 networkRangeNear = 150; // network bubble distance for spawn (despawn +10%) of near inventory items objects, set in meters, default value if not set is 150 networkRangeFar = 1000; // network bubble distance for spawn (despawn +10%) of far objects (other than inventory items), set in meters, default value if not set is 1000 networkRangeDistantEffect = 4000; // network bubble distance for spawn of effects (currently only sound effects), set in meters, default value if not set is 4000 /////////////////StaminaConfig start////////////////////// //explanation (defaultvalue) stamina_max = 100;//Max Stamina values DONT TOUCH!(100) stamina_min_cap = 50;//In units overload won't reduce max stamina bar under this value(5) stamina_sync_rate = 1;//In seconds to update stamina(1) stamina_kg_penalty = 0;//In units reduced from max stamina bar for each 1 kg of load weight(1.75) stamina_weight_limit = 20000;//In grams max weight before players is penalized(6000) stamina_gain_jog = 1;//In units how much stamina units is gained while jogging(2) stamina_gain_walk = 1;//In units how much stamina units is gained while walking(4) stamina_gain_idle = 1;//In units how much stamina units is gained while being idle(5) stamina_gain_swim = 1;//In units how much stamina units is gained while swimming no sprint(1) stamina_gain_ladder = 1;//In units how much stamina units is gained while climbing ladder no sprint(1) stamina_drain_sprint = 1;//In units how much sprint depletes stamina(4) stamin_drain_crouch_sprint = 1;//In units how much crouch sprint depletes stamina(1) stamina_drain_light_melee = 2;//In units how much light melee depletes stamina(5) stamina_drain_heavy_melee = 10;//In units how much heavy melee depletes stamina(25) stamina_drain_evade_melee = 4;//In units how much evading depletes stamina(8) stamina_drain_jump = 10;//In units how much jumping depletes stamina(25) stamina_drain_vault = 10;//In units how much vaulting depletes stamina(20) stamina_drain_climb = 10;//In units how much climbing depletes stamina(42) stamina_drain_holdbreath = 1;//In units holding breath depletes NOTE: value is x 0.2 (leave as 0 for none)(1) stamina_drain_ladder = 2;//In units how much sprinting ladder climb depletes stamina(8) stamina_drain_swim = 2;//In units how much sprinting swimming stamina(5) stamina_threshold_holdbreath = 10;//In units min amount of stamina needed to holdbreath(10) stamina_threshold_jump = 10;//In units min amount of stamina needed to jump(25) stamina_threshold_vault = 10;//In units min amount of stamina needed to vault(20) stamina_threshold_climb = 10;//In units min amount of stamina needed to climb(42) stamina_threshold_melee_evade = 5;//In units min amount of stamina needed to melee evade(8) stamina_threshold_melee_heavy = 5;//In units min amount of stamina needed to melee heavy10) /////////////////StaminaConfig end//////////////////////