23:51:52 | Player "Kel" (DEAD) (pos=<4175.1, 8914.3, 324.6>) killed by Player "p08" (pos=<4174.8, 8907.4, 327.7>) with AKM from 7.51087 meters
23:51:36 | Player "Some1callforbackup" (DEAD) (pos=<919.8, 11060.6, 382.2>) killed by Player "CallmeBrendoo" (pos=<922.6, 11061.7, 382.0>) with AKM from 2.97568 meters
23:49:47 | Player "[ChDKZ] Pavel Beloglazov" (DEAD) (pos=<836.5, 11010.1, 387.9>) killed by Player "Der Blaue Bob" (pos=<845.9, 11001.6, 387.0>) with KAC-PDW from 12.708 meters
23:48:29 | Player "zm4ster" (DEAD) (pos=<811.0, 11089.2, 393.9>) killed by Player "[ChDKZ] Pavel Beloglazov" (pos=<813.5, 11090, 393.6>) with Barrett M98B from 2.64592 meters
23:48:24 | Player "Sunset Horst" (DEAD) (pos=<4174.2, 8914.8, 324.7>) killed by Player "p08" (pos=<4173.1, 8907.4, 324.6>) with AN94 - Abakan from 7.49845 meters
23:47:56 | Player "Marmo" (DEAD) (pos=<816.6, 11099.4, 394.9>) killed by Player "[ChDKZ] Pavel Beloglazov" (pos=<815.1, 11091.8, 393.9>) with AKM from 7.81436 meters
23:47:25 | Player "Smokey Eyes" (DEAD) (pos=<833.5, 11052.7, 384.7>) killed by Player "[ChDKZ] Pavel Beloglazov" (pos=<835.2, 11053.2, 384.6>) with AKM from 1.77992 meters
23:47:10 | Player "(DOT) XegaX" (DEAD) (pos=<782.6, 11062.8, 397.0>) killed by Player "zm4ster" (pos=<898.4, 11086.3, 384.9>) with Mosin 91/30 from 118.74 meters
23:45:32 | Player "Valhallerie" (DEAD) (pos=<5140.0, 3248.4, 94.8>) killed by Player "Arian Jetmire" (pos=<5138.4, 3249.1, 95.1>) with Steakmesser
23:44:24 | Player "[ChDKZ] Vorhautsky" (DEAD) (pos=<741.4, 11055.1, 399.4>) killed by Player "(DOT) XegaX" (pos=<818.0, 11099.5, 394.7>) with DRD Kivaari 338 from 88.598 meters
23:43:52 | Player "[ChDKZ]Boris Kuznetsova" (DEAD) (pos=<816.3, 11097.4, 394.6>) killed by Player "(DOT) XegaX" (pos=<818.0, 11100.1, 394.7>) with DRD Kivaari 338 from 3.14081 meters
23:43:01 | Player "RoiSharp" (DEAD) (pos=<873.9, 11042.4, 387.2>) killed by Player "[ChDKZ]Boris Kuznetsova" (pos=<817.6, 11100.5, 394.8>) with Barrett M98B from 81.2317 meters
23:38:44 | Player "xTheStriker" (DEAD) (pos=<838.5, 11070, 385.6>) killed by Player "[ChDKZ]Boris Kuznetsova" (pos=<899.7, 11100.8, 384.4>) with Barrett M98B from 68.54 meters
23:38:30 | Player "Valhallerie" (DEAD) (pos=<828.2, 11061.1, 384.9>) killed by Player "[ChDKZ] Pavel Beloglazov" (pos=<828.5, 11060.6, 384.6>) with AKM from 0.66501 meters
23:38:15 | Player "L" (DEAD) (pos=<814.8, 11044.3, 392.5>) killed by Player "[ChDKZ] Vorhautsky" (pos=<824.4, 11009.3, 388.5>) with HK-417 from 36.4959 meters
23:37:29 | Player "mavrocks" (DEAD) (pos=<832.2, 11062.9, 383.8>) killed by Player "[ChDKZ] Vorhautsky" (pos=<785.2, 11066.2, 396.9>) with HK-417 from 48.8848 meters
23:35:32 | Player "[ChDKZ] Alexey" (DEAD) (pos=<810.7, 11053.4, 383.6>) killed by Player "L" (pos=<810.6, 11051.7, 383.6>) with HK-417 from 1.76754 meters
23:35:25 | Player "Esko" (DEAD) (pos=<817.6, 11058.1, 383.6>) killed by Player "[ChDKZ] Alexey" (pos=<810.7, 11053.4, 383.6>) with AKM from 8.3591 meters
23:34:21 | Player "[ChDKZ] Dr. Stroganov" (DEAD) (pos=<720.7, 11182.6, 408.3>) killed by Player "mavrocks" (pos=<702.0, 11096.6, 406.8>) with DRD Kivaari 338 from 88.0279 meters
23:31:47 | Player "[ChDKZ] Yevlaliia Bondarenko" (DEAD) (pos=<754.3, 11020.5, 390.9>) killed by Player "xTheStriker" (pos=<750.6, 11020.6, 391.4>) with DRD Kivaari 338 from 3.70208 meters
23:28:36 | Player "[ChDKZ] Anjelika Banyacskiova" (DEAD) (pos=<812.5, 11041.8, 392.8>) killed by Player "xTheStriker" (pos=<793.1, 11049.6, 395.5>) with DRD Kivaari 338 from 21.1039 meters
23:28:18 | Player "[ChDKZ] Marushka Menovka" (DEAD) (pos=<790.5, 11012.8, 389.3>) killed by Player "xTheStriker" (pos=<791.1, 11015.6, 389.0>) with DRD Kivaari 338 from 2.87207 meters
23:28:08 | Player "[ChDKZ] Vodkanovanov" (DEAD) (pos=<826.7, 11123.7, 392.7>) killed by Player "L" (pos=<827.8, 11123.3, 392.7>) with HK-417 from 1.14474 meters
23:27:22 | Player "[ChDKZ] Georgi Konstantinowitsch Schukow" (DEAD) (pos=<889.6, 11081.9, 385.8>) killed by Player "mavrocks" (pos=<890.5, 11102.8, 384.2>) with AUR AX from 21.0217 meters
23:27:07 | Player "[ChDKZ] Dr. Stroganov" (DEAD) (pos=<836.1, 11134.8, 391.8>) killed by with 40mm-Explosivgranate
23:26:31 | Player "[ChDKZ] Vorhautsky" (DEAD) (pos=<840.5, 11139.1, 391.1>) killed by Player "L" (pos=<840.9, 11122.9, 392.0>) with HK-416 from 16.1641 meters
23:26:16 | Player "peaceful" (DEAD) (pos=<811.8, 11013.5, 389.2>) killed by Player "[ChDKZ] Anjelika Banyacskiova" (pos=<797.8, 11025.2, 390.6>) with AK-74 from 18.3134 meters
23:26:11 | Player "SERGEJ [ChDKZ]" (DEAD) (pos=<818.2, 11097.6, 394.3>) killed by Player "mavrocks" (pos=<886.9, 11035.7, 384.8>) with DRD Kivaari 338 from 93.0473 meters
23:25:46 | Player "Einstiegspreis" (DEAD) (pos=<858.2, 11069.8, 385.5>) killed by Player "[ChDKZ] Vorhautsky" (pos=<850.8, 11103.8, 387.7>) with DRD Kivaari 338 from 34.8028 meters
23:25:39 | Player "p08" (DEAD) (pos=<4172.8, 8909.5, 324.6>) killed by Player "(DOT) XegaX" (pos=<4161.2, 8909.7, 324.5>) with M240 from 11.5662 meters
23:25:31 | Player "[ChDKZ] Vodnov" (DEAD) (pos=<834.0, 11081.8, 385.9>) killed by with 6-M7-Splittergranate
23:24:30 | Player "Salyn" (DEAD) (pos=<4176.3, 8914.1, 324.6>) killed by Player "p08" (pos=<4174.6, 8907.3, 327.7>) with DDM4 V5 from 7.62888 meters
23:24:23 | Player "[ChDKZ]Marja Natarova" (DEAD) (pos=<811.9, 11043.3, 392.8>) killed by Player "Einstiegspreis" (pos=<812.3, 11044.6, 392.8>) with AKM from 1.29115 meters
23:24:20 | Player "[ChDKZ] Vladimir Vodka" (DEAD) (pos=<809.0, 11041.3, 393.3>) killed by Player "Einstiegspreis" (pos=<809.3, 11039, 393.1>) with AKM from 2.32976 meters
23:22:33 | Player "[ChDKZ] Adidasnov" (DEAD) (pos=<919.1, 11060.2, 382.3>) killed by Player "mavrocks" (pos=<969.4, 11098.9, 376.2>) with DRD Kivaari 338 from 63.689 meters
23:14:04 | Player "Kel" (DEAD) (pos=<6575.0, 6025.3, 321.5>) killed by Player "Forrest.at" (pos=<6561.2, 6033.7, 321.4>) with M4-A1 from 16.131 meters
23:10:48 | Player "Damil" (DEAD) (pos=<4977.8, 10070.7, 338.9>) killed by Player "p08" (pos=<4980.2, 10067.8, 339.0>) with AN94 - Abakan from 3.76811 meters
23:02:02 | Player "Sunset Horst" (DEAD) (pos=<4172.0, 9057.1, 332.1>) killed by Player "peaceful" (pos=<4186.7, 8899.6, 324.1>) with DMR Ranger Suppressor from 158.419 meters
22:59:44 | Player "[ChDKZ] Der Serbe" (DEAD) (pos=<4173.1, 8905.7, 324.6>) killed by Player "L" (pos=<4172.9, 8915.0, 324.7>) with HK-416 from 9.29823 meters
22:59:31 | Player "CallmeBrendoo" (DEAD) (pos=<4173.2, 8910.8, 327.7>) killed by Player "peaceful" (pos=<4175.5, 8909.9, 326.9>) with HK-416 from 2.69817 meters
22:58:47 | Player "(DOT) Perzeh" (DEAD) (pos=<4168.2, 8909.0, 324.6>) killed by Player "mavrocks" (pos=<4161.4, 8910.1, 324.5>) with AUR AX from 6.87484 meters
22:57:38 | Player "Timon" (DEAD) (pos=<4175.9, 8914.8, 324.7>) killed by Player "Einstiegspreis" (pos=<4177.7, 8913.4, 324.6>) with Brethren Arms B52 from 2.28712 meters
22:57:35 | Player "[ChDKZ] Pavel Beloglazov" (DEAD) (pos=<4173.9, 8907.8, 327.7>) killed by Player "CallmeBrendoo" (pos=<4175.8, 8907.5, 327.7>) with M4-A1 from 1.99349 meters
22:53:09 | Player "[ChDKZ] Igorjewitsch" (DEAD) (pos=<4173.4, 8937.4, 324.4>) killed by Player "(DOT) Perzeh" (pos=<4172.8, 8915.1, 324.7>) with SVD from 22.3805 meters
22:52:02 | Player "[ChDKZ] Vodnov" (DEAD) (pos=<4174.7, 8915.2, 324.8>) killed by Player "(DOT) Perzeh" (pos=<4176.1, 8918.7, 324.4>) with SVD from 3.73596 meters
22:51:44 | Player "Marmo" (DEAD) (pos=<4172.3, 8913.3, 324.6>) killed by Player "[ChDKZ] Vodnov" (pos=<4173.1, 8911.5, 324.6>) with HK-417 from 2.0506 meters
22:51:17 | Player "[ChDKZ] Adidasnov" (DEAD) (pos=<4172.9, 8909.9, 324.6>) killed by Player "Marmo" (pos=<4172.4, 8908.8, 324.6>) with AKM from 1.16945 meters
22:51:11 | Player "(DOT) XegaX" (DEAD) (pos=<4130.7, 8907.9, 324.4>) killed by Player "[ChDKZ] Vodnov" (pos=<4173.6, 8909.3, 324.6>) with HK-417 from 42.962 meters
22:50:50 | Player "zm4ster" (DEAD) (pos=<4372.9, 8829.9, 323.8>) killed by Player "[ChDKZ] Igorjewitsch" (pos=<4206.5, 8959.3, 328.0>) with M300 Praetorian from 210.851 meters
22:50:29 | Player "[ChDKZ] Marushka Menovka" (DEAD) (pos=<4130.1, 8909.2, 324.4>) killed by Player "(DOT) XegaX" (pos=<4139.6, 8910.2, 324.5>) with DRD Kivaari 338 from 9.60822 meters
22:50:05 | Player "Salyn" (DEAD) (pos=<4138.0, 8935.8, 324.7>) killed by Player "[ChDKZ] Igorjewitsch" (pos=<4215.7, 8958.6, 328.0>) with M300 Praetorian from 81.0418 meters
22:45:54 | Player "[ChDKZ]Nikolai Zakharova" (DEAD) (pos=<4063.7, 8969.0, 324.6>) killed by Player "(DOT) XegaX" (pos=<4069.8, 8995.8, 325.1>) with AN94 - Abakan from 27.4767 meters
22:42:54 | Player "[ChDKZ] Alexey Saskiazya" (DEAD) (pos=<4134.0, 8917.1, 333.4>) killed by Player "(DOT) XegaX" (pos=<4406.4, 9138.1, 326.0>) with DRD Kivaari 338 from 350.864 meters
22:38:09 | Player "Kel" (DEAD) (pos=<6533.7, 6051.1, 321.4>) killed by Player "Einstiegspreis" (pos=<6559.9, 6014.0, 319.8>) with Brethren Arms B52 from 45.4182 meters
22:32:22 | Player "DracheErwache" (DEAD) (pos=<6213.5, 7407.0, 293.7>) killed by Player "[ChDKZ] Vodnov" (pos=<5908.1, 7631.7, 316.7>) with M300 Praetorian from 379.878 meters
22:24:27 | Player "Forrest.at" (DEAD) (pos=<6488.7, 6407.4, 363.4>) killed by Player "CallmeBrendoo" (pos=<6487.4, 6407.7, 363.4>) with M4-A1 from 1.3688 meters
22:18:48 | Player "SERGEJ [ChDKZ]" (DEAD) (pos=<6529.8, 6109.3, 322.3>) killed by Player "(DOT) XegaX" (pos=<6573.3, 6015.0, 321.6>) with DRD Kivaari 338 from 103.797 meters
22:18:09 | Player "[ChDKZ] Der Kroate" (DEAD) (pos=<6577.3, 6027.4, 321.6>) killed by Player "Der Blaue Bob" (pos=<6567.4, 6017.7, 321.6>) with KAC-PDW from 13.8459 meters
22:17:20 | Player "Kel" (DEAD) (pos=<6583.1, 6027.1, 321.7>) killed by LandMineTrap
22:16:58 | Player "Smokey Eyes" (DEAD) (pos=<6608.6, 5995.5, 321.8>) killed by LandMineTrap
22:15:32 | Player "[ChDKZ]Jelena Makarova" (DEAD) (pos=<6564.5, 6015.2, 321.3>) killed by Player "(DOT) XegaX" (pos=<6728.1, 6085.0, 357.6>) with DRD Kivaari 338 from 181.488 meters
22:13:52 | Player "[ChDKZ] Pavel Sokolov" (DEAD) (pos=<6712.7, 6088.6, 354.9>) killed by Player "(DOT) XegaX" (pos=<6746.7, 5993.8, 353.1>) with DRD Kivaari 338 from 100.751 meters
22:13:24 | Player "Invictus" (DEAD) (pos=<6646.7, 6159.7, 342.0>) killed by Player "SERGEJ [ChDKZ]" (pos=<6538.7, 6109.2, 322.0>) with Winchester Model 70 from 120.834 meters
21:45:54 | Player "(DOT) XegaX" (DEAD) (pos=<9888.8, 6001.6, 286.2>) killed by LandMineTrap
21:45:36 | Player "[ChDKZ] Josef Grigorjewitsch" (DEAD) (pos=<13206.9, 6161.0, 40.6>) killed by Player "peaceful" (pos=<13217.5, 6185.7, 27.3>) with DMR Ranger Suppressor from 30.0076 meters
21:44:47 | Player "[ChDKZ] Dimitrij" (DEAD) (pos=<13416.2, 6118.4, 6.0>) killed by Player "Einstiegspreis" (pos=<13417.3, 6118.8, 6.0>) with DMR Ranger Suppressor from 1.16481 meters
21:43:47 | Player "[ChDKZ] Vodjanov" (DEAD) (pos=<9870.2, 6000.1, 287.3>) killed by Player "Timon" (pos=<9927.8, 5997.3, 284.7>) with SVD from 57.7193 meters
21:43:47 | Player "(DOT) Perzeh" (DEAD) (pos=<9870.3, 5994.8, 287.3>) killed by Player "[ChDKZ] Vodjanov" (pos=<9870.2, 5999.4, 287.3>) with HK-416 from 4.56639 meters
21:43:26 | Player "[ChDKZ] Pavel Beloglazov" (DEAD) (pos=<9895.7, 6008.5, 285.8>) killed by Player "zm4ster" (pos=<9893.8, 6010.5, 285.9>) with AUR AX from 2.69173 meters
21:43:20 | Player "[ChDKZ] Pelmeninov" (DEAD) (pos=<9906.4, 5993, 285.6>) killed by Player "(DOT) XegaX" (pos=<9902.6, 6025.9, 285.7>) with DRD Kivaari 338 from 33.1692 meters
21:42:03 | Player "Einstiegspreis" (DEAD) (pos=<13413.4, 6119.7, 6.0>) killed by Player "[ChDKZ] Dimitrij" (pos=<13421.8, 6180.4, 6.0>) with Barrett M98B from 61.3416 meters
21:41:58 | Player "peaceful" (DEAD) (pos=<13165.1, 6052.4, 98.4>) killed by LandMineTrap
21:40:37 | Player "[ChDKZ] Marushka Menovka" (DEAD) (pos=<10009, 6100.2, 291.0>) killed by Player "CallmeBrendoo" (pos=<10092.8, 6160.3, 309.0>) with DRD Kivaari 338 from 104.698 meters
21:38:14 | Player "peaceful" (DEAD) (pos=<13172, 6068.1, 90.9>) killed by LandMineTrap
21:37:14 | Player "[ChDKZ] Vladimir Vodka" (DEAD) (pos=<13316.8, 6126.1, 8.9>) killed by Player "L" (pos=<13341, 6118.0, 9.1>) with HK-417 from 25.5095 meters
21:36:44 | Player "[ChDKZ] Alexey Solnzewskaja" (DEAD) (pos=<9571.8, 6156.0, 299.0>) killed by Player "Sunset Horst" (pos=<9564.5, 6143.6, 301.8>) with AK-74 from 14.6271 meters
21:36:15 | Player "Einstiegspreis" (DEAD) (pos=<13214.4, 6017.4, 89.5>) killed by Player "[ChDKZ] Josef Grigorjewitsch" (pos=<13191.6, 5999.9, 105.1>) with SVD from 32.6903 meters
21:36:07 | Player "[ChDKZ] Heisenbergsky" (DEAD) (pos=<13345.1, 6094.6, 8.7>) killed by Player "xTheStriker" (pos=<13355.2, 6086.6, 6.6>) with AK-74 from 13.0418 meters
21:34:43 | Player "[ChDKZ] Nikitaslov" (DEAD) (pos=<13240.9, 6074.1, 40.9>) killed by Player "xTheStriker" (pos=<13228.1, 6018.5, 72.5>) with SVD from 65.2435 meters
21:31:15 | Player "Kel" (DEAD) (pos=<9626.3, 5940.5, 322.1>) killed by Player "[ChDKZ] Alexey Solnzewskaja" (pos=<9535.1, 6095.9, 308.7>) with SVD from 180.669 meters