DAs habe ich getan passiert trotzdem nichts er soll das stehen wo er steht
Beiträge von Fabian_Cedric
// Green Mountain:
<TraderMarker> 0 // Trader ID
<TraderMarkerPosition> 3699.27, 402.13, 5967.91 // Coordinate X, Coordinate Y, Coordinate Z
<TraderMarkerSafezone> 80 // Safezone Radius
<TraderMarker> 1
<TraderMarkerPosition> 3691.41, 402.074, 5998.47
<TraderMarkerSafezone> 80
<TraderMarker> 2
<TraderMarkerPosition> 3708.71, 403.153, 5974.79
<TraderMarkerSafezone> 80
<TraderMarker> 3
<TraderMarkerPosition> 3707.46, 403.153, 5973.3
<TraderMarkerSafezone> 80
<TraderMarker> 4
<TraderMarkerPosition> 3703.56, 402.345, 6009.53
<TraderMarkerSafezone> 30
<TraderMarker> 5
<TraderMarkerPosition> 3723.84, 402.012, 5990.04
<TraderMarkerSafezone> 30
<VehicleSpawn> 3719.71, 402.012, 5994.85 // Vehicle Spawnpoint for Trader; Coordinate X, Coordinate Y, Coordinate Z (optional)
<VehicleSpawnOri> -42, 0, 0 // Vehicle Spawnpoint Orientation; Yaw, Pitch, Roll (optional)
// Kumyrna:
<TraderMarker> 0
<TraderMarkerPosition> 8354.06, 293.143, 5995.87
<TraderMarkerSafezone> 80
<TraderMarker> 1
<TraderMarkerPosition> 8357.55, 293.143, 5995.26
<TraderMarkerSafezone> 80
<TraderMarker> 2
<TraderMarkerPosition> 8359.22, 292.034, 5973.69
<TraderMarkerSafezone> 80
<TraderMarker> 3
<TraderMarkerPosition> 8354.61, 292.034, 5967.63
<TraderMarkerSafezone> 80
<TraderMarker> 4
<TraderMarkerPosition> 8370.48, 293.277, 5994.52
<TraderMarkerSafezone> 30
<TraderMarker> 5
<TraderMarkerPosition> 8365.63, 292.012, 5977.71
<TraderMarkerSafezone> 80
<VehicleSpawn> 8365.18, 292.017, 5987.68
<VehicleSpawnOri> -90, 0, 0
// Black market:
<TraderMarker> 6
<TraderMarkerPosition> 6886.65, 406.824, 11416.3
<TraderMarkerSafezone> 0
// Fellankäufer:
<TraderMarker> 7
<TraderMarkerPosition> 15138, 133.7, 14788
<TraderMarkerSafezone> 0
// ------------------------------------------------------ Objects to Spawn ------------------------------------------------------
// Green Mountain:
<Object> SurvivorF_Irena // Classname
<ObjectPosition> 3699.27, 402.13, 5967.91 // Coordinate X, Coordinate Y, Coordinate Z
<ObjectOrientation> -13.234265, 0, 0 // Yaw, Pitch, Roll
//<ObjectAttachment> NPC_DUMMY // Add this if you are using an non Character Object for an Trader (like Vending Machines, etc.). It is needed to make the User Action for the Trading Menu work.
<ObjectAttachment> BoxCerealCrunchin // Add an Item to the Traders Inventory;
<ObjectAttachment> SurgicalGloves_White
<ObjectAttachment> Bandana_Polkapattern
<ObjectAttachment> MiniDress_PinkChecker
<ObjectAttachment> DressShoes_White
<Object> SurvivorF_Keiko
<ObjectPosition> 3691.41, 402.074, 5998.47
<ObjectOrientation> 158.253525, 0, 0
<ObjectAttachment> Wrench
<ObjectAttachment> FirefighterAxe_Black
<ObjectAttachment> TacticalGloves_Black
<ObjectAttachment> FirefighterJacket_Black
<ObjectAttachment> Firefighterspants_Black
<ObjectAttachment> FirefigthersHelmet_Red
<ObjectAttachment> Wellies_Black
<Object> SurvivorM_Seth
<ObjectPosition> 3708.71, 403.153, 5974.79
<ObjectOrientation> -51.969990, 0, 0
<ObjectAttachment> FirefighterAxe
<ObjectAttachment> SVD
<ObjectAttachment> PSO1Optic
<ObjectAttachment> M4A1
<ObjectAttachment> M4_RISHndgrd
<ObjectAttachment> Universallight
<ObjectAttachment> M4_OEBttstck
<ObjectAttachment> M68Optic
<ObjectAttachment> M4_Suppressor
<ObjectAttachment> OMNOGloves_Gray
<ObjectAttachment> GorkaHelmet_Green
<ObjectAttachment> GorkaHelmetVisor
<ObjectAttachment> BalaclavaMask_Green
<ObjectAttachment> PlateCarrierVest
<ObjectAttachment> TTsKOJacket_Camo
<ObjectAttachment> TTSKOPants
<ObjectAttachment> MilitaryBoots_Black
<ObjectAttachment> AliceBag_Camo
<Object> SurvivorM_Taiki
<ObjectPosition> 3707.46, 403.153, 5973.3
<ObjectOrientation> -65.823410, 0, 0
<ObjectAttachment> BalaclavaMask_Beige
<ObjectAttachment> USMCJacket_Woodland
<ObjectAttachment> USMCPants_Woodland
<ObjectAttachment> GhillieSuit_Woodland
<ObjectAttachment> SmershVest
<ObjectAttachment> TTSKOBoots
<Object> SurvivorF_Frida
<ObjectPosition> 3703.56, 402.345, 6009.53
<ObjectOrientation> 174.787735, 0, 0
<ObjectAttachment> ThickFramesGlasses
<ObjectAttachment> WomanSuit_Black
<ObjectAttachment> SlacksPants_Black
<ObjectAttachment> DressShoes_Black
<Object> SurvivorM_Peter
<ObjectPosition> 3724.33, 402.012, 5989.19
<ObjectOrientation> -43.954433, 0, 0
<ObjectAttachment> LugWrench
<ObjectAttachment> WorkingGloves_Black
<ObjectAttachment> ReflexVest
<ObjectAttachment> JumpsuitJacket_Blue
<ObjectAttachment> JumpsuitPants_Blue
<ObjectAttachment> HikingBootsLow_Blue
<Object> Land_FuelStation_Build
<ObjectPosition> 3693.1, 403.612, 5998.32
<ObjectOrientation> -23.000992, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Lunapark_Shooting_Gallery
<ObjectPosition> 3707.49, 403.612, 5974.74
<ObjectOrientation> 39.997997, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Container_1Moh
<ObjectPosition> 3727.55, 403.012, 5987.47
<ObjectOrientation> 39.997997, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Mil_GuardShed
<ObjectPosition> 3724.84, 402.412, 5989.04
<ObjectOrientation> 141.382217, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Misc_Toilet_Mobile
<ObjectPosition> 3692.58, 403.212, 5981.05
<ObjectOrientation> -110.997856,0, 0
<Object> Land_Misc_Toilet_Mobile
<ObjectPosition> 3692.02, 403.212, 5982.48
<ObjectOrientation> -114.999535,0, 0
<Object> Land_City_Stand_Grocery
<ObjectPosition> 3700.53, 403.812, 5965.38
<ObjectOrientation> 165.998734, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Power_Pole_Conc1_Amp
<ObjectPosition> 3706.73, 404.112, 5985.33
<ObjectOrientation> -110.997856,0, 0
<Object> Land_Power_Pole_Wood1_Lamp_Amp
<ObjectPosition> 3703.2, 404.712, 5971.11
<ObjectOrientation> -73.996033, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Container_1Moh
<ObjectPosition> 3690.93, 403.212, 5987.15
<ObjectOrientation> 163.000824, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Container_1Aoh
<ObjectPosition> 3689.09, 403.212, 5993.05
<ObjectOrientation> 161.999741, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Container_1Bo
<ObjectPosition> 3690.43, 405.812, 5987.31
<ObjectOrientation> 161.999741, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Container_1Bo
<ObjectPosition> 3710.64, 403.196, 5963.35
<ObjectOrientation> -108.001251, 0, 0
<Object> Land_RoadCone
<ObjectPosition> 3718.82, 402.012, 5998.82
<ObjectOrientation> 0, 0, 0
<Object> Land_RoadCone
<ObjectPosition> 3715.69, 402.012, 5996.23
<ObjectOrientation> -22.0017, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Misc_Well_Pump_Blue
<ObjectPosition> 3693.56, 402.312, 6010.05
<ObjectOrientation> 0, 0, 0
<Object> BarrelHoles_Red
<ObjectPosition> 3698.21, 402.012, 6003.26
<ObjectOrientation> 0, 0, 0
<Object> DC_BankingATMRed
<ObjectPosition> 3706.7, 402.012, 5984.86
<ObjectOrientation> 90, 0, 0
<Object> DC_BankingATMRed
<ObjectPosition> 3704.7, 402.332, 6003.1
<ObjectOrientation> 275, 0, 0
// Kumyrna:
<Object> SurvivorM_Niki
<ObjectPosition> 8354.06, 293.143, 5995.87
<ObjectOrientation> -169.334961,0, 0
<ObjectAttachment> WaterBottle
<ObjectAttachment> SurgicalGloves_Green
<ObjectAttachment> MedicalScrubsHat_White
<ObjectAttachment> SurgicalMask
<ObjectAttachment> MedicalScrubsShirt_White
<ObjectAttachment> MedicalScrubsPants_Blue
<ObjectAttachment> NBCBootsGray
<Object> SurvivorF_Maria
<ObjectPosition> 8357.55, 293.143, 5995.26
<ObjectOrientation> -170.312988,0, 0
<ObjectAttachment> Screwdriver
<ObjectAttachment> Shovel
<ObjectAttachment> WorkingGloves_Yellow
<ObjectAttachment> ConstructionHelmet_Yellow
<ObjectAttachment> Shirt_RedCheck
<ObjectAttachment> CanvasPants_Beige
<ObjectAttachment> WorkingBoots_Yellow
<Object> SurvivorM_Hassan
<ObjectPosition> 8359.22, 292.034, 5973.69
<ObjectOrientation> -89.158005, 0, 0
<ObjectAttachment> FirefighterAxe
<ObjectAttachment> AKM
<ObjectAttachment> AK_WoodHndgrd
<ObjectAttachment> AK_FoldingBttstck
<ObjectAttachment> KobraOptic
<ObjectAttachment> SVD
<ObjectAttachment> PSO1Optic
<ObjectAttachment> TacticalGoggles
<ObjectAttachment> TacticalGloves_Green
<ObjectAttachment> GorkaHelmet
<ObjectAttachment> BandanaMask_CamoPattern
<ObjectAttachment> UKAssVest_Camo
<ObjectAttachment> GorkaEJacket_Summer
<ObjectAttachment> GorkaPants_Summer
<ObjectAttachment> MilitaryBoots_Black
<ObjectAttachment> AliceBag_Camo
<Object> SurvivorM_Elias
<ObjectPosition> 8354.61, 292.034, 5967.63
<ObjectOrientation> -22.091135, 0, 0
<ObjectAttachment> AmmoBox_9x19_25rnd
<ObjectAttachment> NailedBaseballBat
<ObjectAttachment> MP5K
<ObjectAttachment> MP5_RailHndgrd
<ObjectAttachment> Universallight
<ObjectAttachment> MP5k_StockBttstck
<ObjectAttachment> M68Optic
<ObjectAttachment> MP5_Compensator
<ObjectAttachment> OMNOGloves_Gray
<ObjectAttachment> BallisticHelmet_Green
<ObjectAttachment> BandanaMask_CamoPattern
<ObjectAttachment> HighCapacityVest_Olive
<ObjectAttachment> USMCJacket_Woodland
<ObjectAttachment> USMCPants_Woodland
<ObjectAttachment> TTSKOBoots
<ObjectAttachment> MilitaryBoots_Black
<Object> SurvivorM_Taiki
<ObjectPosition> 8370.48, 293.277, 5994.52
<ObjectOrientation> -112.26684, 0, 0
<ObjectAttachment> AviatorGlasses
<ObjectAttachment> ZmijovkaCap_Blue
<ObjectAttachment> Hoodie_GraffitiTiles
<ObjectAttachment> Jeans_BlueDark
<ObjectAttachment> Sneakers_White
<Object> Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_2
<ObjectPosition> 8356.92, 294.012, 5971.17
<ObjectOrientation> 103.001228, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Wreck_Uaz
<ObjectPosition> 8371.49, 292.807, 5980.68
<ObjectOrientation> 0, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Misc_Toilet_Mobile
<ObjectPosition> 8347.7, 293.211, 5979.25
<ObjectOrientation> -165.001785,0, 0
<Object> Land_Misc_Toilet_Mobile
<ObjectPosition> 8349.27, 293.207, 5979.12
<ObjectOrientation> -159.998718,0, 0
<Object> Land_Container_1Bo
<ObjectPosition> 8376.06, 293.318, 5987.46
<ObjectOrientation> -82.011284, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Container_1Aoh
<ObjectPosition> 8374.53, 293.213, 5983.12
<ObjectOrientation> 13.001471, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Container_1Bo
<ObjectPosition> 8374.43, 293.211, 5977.06
<ObjectOrientation> 2.998344, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Container_1Moh
<ObjectPosition> 8374.03, 293.212, 5970.79
<ObjectOrientation> 2.998344, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Wreck_Ikarus
<ObjectPosition> 8370.19, 292.809, 5965.63
<ObjectOrientation> 72.998840, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Wreck_V3S
<ObjectPosition> 8363.38, 292.811, 5964.22
<ObjectOrientation> 7.001019, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Container_1Moh
<ObjectPosition> 8358.54, 293.112, 5963.1
<ObjectOrientation> 99.006409, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Container_1Moh
<ObjectPosition> 8352.48, 293.112, 5964.58
<ObjectOrientation> 99.006409, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Container_1Moh
<ObjectPosition> 8342.33, 293.102, 5985.8
<ObjectOrientation> -168.001495,0, 0
<Object> Land_Wall_Gate_Camp
<ObjectPosition> 8342.3, 293.502, 5991.47
<ObjectOrientation> 106.003967, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Wreck_Ikarus
<ObjectPosition> 8343.51, 293.272, 6000.51
<ObjectOrientation> -168.001495,0, 0
<Object> Land_Container_1Moh
<ObjectPosition> 8346.16, 293.272, 6007.02
<ObjectOrientation> -85.995506, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Container_1Moh
<ObjectPosition> 8349.87, 293.301, 6009.2
<ObjectOrientation> -85.995506, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Container_1Bo
<ObjectPosition> 8356.16, 293.309, 6009.94
<ObjectOrientation> -109.004036,0, 0
<Object> Land_Wreck_V3S
<ObjectPosition> 8362.74, 293.15, 6010.63
<ObjectOrientation> -83.991722, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Wreck_Volha_Blue
<ObjectPosition> 8365.16, 292.921, 6007.63
<ObjectOrientation> 5.000144, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Container_1Moh
<ObjectPosition> 8368.21, 293.361, 6009.55
<ObjectOrientation> -15.999864, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Container_1Bo
<ObjectPosition> 8371.36, 293.316, 6003.86
<ObjectOrientation> -43.998638, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Wreck_Uaz
<ObjectPosition> 8364.77, 292.706, 6013.2
<ObjectOrientation> 154.001068, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Wreck_Ikarus
<ObjectPosition> 8373.89, 293.149, 5996.24
<ObjectOrientation> -11.998495, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Wreck_S1023_Blue
<ObjectPosition> 8375.5, 293.081, 5990.16
<ObjectOrientation> -96.008263, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Wreck_Caravan_MGreen
<ObjectPosition> 8367.78, 294.009, 5994.61
<ObjectOrientation> 97.988716, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Mil_GuardShed
<ObjectPosition> 8365.84, 292.511, 5977.22
<ObjectOrientation> -172.998962,0, 0
<Object> Land_Power_Pole_Conc1_Amp
<ObjectPosition> 8373.4, 294.856, 5989.17
<ObjectOrientation> -161.999741,0, 0
<Object> Land_Power_Pole_Conc1_Amp
<ObjectPosition> 8350.29, 294.81, 5978.7
<ObjectOrientation> 141.999985, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Power_Pole_Wood1_Amp
<ObjectPosition> 8366.61, 294.807, 5975.68
<ObjectOrientation> 173.998581, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Lunapark_Shooting_Gallery
<ObjectPosition> 8356.13, 293.602, 5994.67
<ObjectOrientation> -79.998199, 0, 0
<Object> Land_RoadCone
<ObjectPosition> 8364.66, 292.005, 5985.83
<ObjectOrientation> 0, 0, 0
<Object> Land_RoadCone
<ObjectPosition> 8364.7, 292.027, 5989.5
<ObjectOrientation> 18, 0, 0
<Object> Land_RoadCone
<ObjectPosition> 8360.74, 292.002, 5985.77
<ObjectOrientation> 5, 0, 0
<Object> Land_RoadCone
<ObjectPosition> 8360.69, 292.027, 5989.47
<ObjectOrientation> -30, 0, 0
<Object> Land_RoadCone
<ObjectPosition> 8370.35, 292.091, 5989.57
<ObjectOrientation> -64.0013, 0, 0
<Object> Land_RoadCone
<ObjectPosition> 8370.29, 292.006, 5985.86
<ObjectOrientation> -64.0013, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Misc_Well_Pump_Blue
<ObjectPosition> 8345.61, 292.302, 5985.93
<ObjectOrientation> 0, 0, 0
<Object> BarrelHoles_Red
<ObjectPosition> 8353.61, 292.006, 5982.2
<ObjectOrientation> 0, 0, 0
<Object> DC_BankingATMRed
<ObjectPosition> 8360.15, 292.054, 5994.15
<ObjectOrientation> 325, 0, 0
<Object> DC_BankingATMRed
<ObjectPosition> 8350.7, 292.011, 5978.3
<ObjectOrientation> 235, 0, 0
// Black Market:
<Object> SurvivorM_Jose
<ObjectPosition> 6886.65, 406.824, 11416.3
<ObjectOrientation> 0, 0, 0
<ObjectAttachment> FirefighterAxe
<ObjectAttachment> SVD
<ObjectAttachment> PSO1Optic
<ObjectAttachment> M4A1
<ObjectAttachment> M4_RISHndgrd
<ObjectAttachment> Universallight
<ObjectAttachment> M4_OEBttstck
<ObjectAttachment> M68Optic
<ObjectAttachment> M4_Suppressor
<ObjectAttachment> OMNOGloves_Gray
<ObjectAttachment> GorkaHelmet_Green
<ObjectAttachment> GorkaHelmetVisor
<ObjectAttachment> BalaclavaMask_Green
<ObjectAttachment> PlateCarrierVest
<ObjectAttachment> TTsKOJacket_Camo
<ObjectAttachment> TTSKOPants
<ObjectAttachment> MilitaryBoots_Black
<ObjectAttachment> AliceBag_Camo
<Object> Land_Mil_GuardShed
<ObjectPosition> 6904.55, 406.249, 11427.2
<ObjectOrientation> 90, 0, 0
<Object> Land_Lunapark_Shooting_Gallery
<ObjectPosition> 6885.37, 407.587, 11416
<ObjectOrientation> 90, 0, 0
<Object> Land_City_Stand_News2
<ObjectPosition> 6890.89, 407.196, 11443.5
<ObjectOrientation> 0, 0, 0
<Object> Land_City_Stand_Grocery
<ObjectPosition> 6883.81, 407.627, 11427.4
<ObjectOrientation> -180, 0, 0
<Object> Land_City_Stand_News1
<ObjectPosition> 6883.65, 407.599, 11442.8
<ObjectOrientation> 0, 0, 0
<Object> BarrelHoles_Red
<ObjectPosition> 6888.59, 406.046, 11425.8
<ObjectOrientation> 30.3877,
<Object> Land_Misc_Well_Pump_Blue
<ObjectPosition> 6904.08, 406.267, 11434.2
<ObjectOrientation> -180, 0, 0
// Fellankäufer:
<Object> SurvivorM_Lewis
<ObjectPosition> 15138, 133.7, 14788
<ObjectOrientation> 0, 0, 0
<ObjectAttachment> FirefighterAxe
<ObjectAttachment> SVD
<ObjectAttachment> PSO1Optic
<ObjectAttachment> M4A1
<ObjectAttachment> M4_RISHndgrd
<ObjectAttachment> Universallight
<ObjectAttachment> M4_OEBttstck
<ObjectAttachment> M68Optic
<ObjectAttachment> M4_Suppressor
<ObjectAttachment> OMNOGloves_Gray
<ObjectAttachment> GorkaHelmet_Green
<ObjectAttachment> GorkaHelmetVisor
<ObjectAttachment> BalaclavaMask_Green
<ObjectAttachment> PlateCarrierVest
<ObjectAttachment> TTsKOJacket_Camo
<ObjectAttachment> TTSKOPants
<ObjectAttachment> MilitaryBoots_Black
<ObjectAttachment> AliceBag_Camo
//<OpenFile> FileName.txt // Links to another File; Must be right above <FileEnd>!
<FileEnd> // This has to be on the End of this File and is very importand!
Ich möchte den Fellankäufer als neuen trader hinzufügen nun habe ich alles hochgeladen die person spawn aber kann nicht Interagieren? kann jemand mal drüber schauen
das bedeutet was genau muss ich einstellen das die zeit still steht
Ich habe die Zeit eigentlich auf 0 gesetzt so das sie immer die selbe zeit hat oder habe ich was falsch gemacht
Ich würde gerne auf meinem Server nur Tag haben kann mir jemand sagen welche Einstellung ich dazu bearbeiten muss habe mir nen Video angeschaut und es genau so gemacht aber es hat net so geklappt
Nur die Vanilla waffen mags klamotten etc spawnt
Okay funktioniert wieder alles danke dir
ne kurze andere frage woran kann es liegen das keine waffen spawnen (Military z.B.)
Also er zeigt mir diesen fehler an
so ich sehe da aber kein Fehler
<type name="BTR_Doors_Driver_Black">
<flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/>
<category name="vehiclesparts"/>
<usage name="Industrial"/>
<type name="BTR_Doors_coDriver_Black">
<flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/>
<category name="vehiclesparts"/>
<usage name="Industrial"/>
Also kenne mich so mitmässig aus mit dayz was genau soll ich da machen habe die datei eingefügt und validiert und nun
Ich weiß nicht wieso aber immer despawnen nach dem server neustart teile der Base, Zelte oder Fahrzeuge.
muss ich was in den Einstellungen ändern die Lifetime ist eigentlich auf 3880000 eingestellt siehe beispiel
<type name="CarTent">
<flags count_in_cargo="1" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="1" crafted="0" deloot="0"/>
<category name="containers"/>
<usage name="Industrial"/>
Sollte bei Altar spawnen
Hey Liebe Kollegen, ich wollte einen neuen Trader hinzufügen mache ich etwas falsch habe mich an die genaue anleitung gehalten.
// Black market:
<TraderMarker> 6
<TraderMarkerPosition> 8159.54, 475.575, 9148.25
<TraderMarkerSafezone> 0
// Black Market:
<Object> SurvivorM_Seth
<ObjectPosition> 8159.54, 475.575, 9148.25
<ObjectOrientation> -51.969990, 0, 0
<ObjectAttachment> FirefighterAxe
<ObjectAttachment> SVD
<ObjectAttachment> PSO1Optic
<ObjectAttachment> M4A1
<ObjectAttachment> M4_RISHndgrd
<ObjectAttachment> Universallight
<ObjectAttachment> M4_OEBttstck
<ObjectAttachment> M68Optic
<ObjectAttachment> M4_Suppressor
<ObjectAttachment> OMNOGloves_Gray
<ObjectAttachment> GorkaHelmet_Green
<ObjectAttachment> GorkaHelmetVisor
<ObjectAttachment> BalaclavaMask_Green
<ObjectAttachment> PlateCarrierVest
<ObjectAttachment> TTsKOJacket_Camo
<ObjectAttachment> TTSKOPants
<ObjectAttachment> MilitaryBoots_Black
<ObjectAttachment> AliceBag_Camo
<Trader>Black Market //ID=6
FNX45, W, 175, 90
FNX45, W, 175, 90
FNX45, W, 175, 90
Danke für eure hilfe auch wenn mir das nicht wirklich weitergeholfen hat ich schaue nochmal in anderen foren
Das hat mir jetzt nicht wirklich geholfen
Muss ich irgendwelche klammern beachten?
das ist ja nur das beschrieben in der Init.c steht ja viel mehr drin
wo füge ich es genau ein
HEy könnte mir vlt jemand helfen wie ich diese datein einfügen muss und wo genau https://steamcommunity.com/sha…iledetails/?id=1867280537 aus dieser mod
Liebe Grüße Fabian