QG Overpoch
Der Server läuft seit dem 05.07.2018 mit einer frischen Datenbank, mit einem guten Entwickler Team und aktiven Admins.
Du hast Vorschläge für neue Features oder Feedback zu bestehenden Features? Gern gesehen über das Discord, Admins lassen die Community entscheiden was geändert werden soll oder was dazu kommen soll.
Server IP:
Server Features:
Crafting Menu:
-You can create items both for base building and other uses. Using various items found around the map
-There is a detailed write up on all the crafting in the game located on the menu. Look there for more information, recipes and guides.
A.I Missions:
-You will always find 2 AI missions active on the server. Visit these areas, kill the AI, and take the reward. Check your map for the locations.
-Be warned though as the A.I. have been known to kick your ass.
Craftable Vehicles:
-Allows you to build vehicles out of vehicle parts. Things like Bicycle, ATV, 2 Seat Little Bird, etc.
Custom Mapping:
-Improved towns. New areas to explore. Just to add to the fun.
-Cherno is old and boring after all these years. So find new roads, airfields, towns and outposts located around the map. We rotate these to other outposts at different periods of time to give you a nice fresh feel.
Custom Displays:
-We've added a lot of custom displays to the game, and continue to redesign and add more.
-We have a completely custom debug monitor. New information menus, Log out screens, etc.
Halo Spawn:
-You can also spawn in the air with a parachute, at the location of your choosing.
-The parachute will automatically open at 200m. Or you can use your scrollbar to open it yourself.
Ground Spawn:
-You have the choice to spawn on the ground, at the location of your choosing.
-This can be helpful if you don't want to get spotted in your parachute.
Shoot from Vehicle:
-Allows you to shoot from vehicles. However, this is still experimental and we're working to expand it to more vehicles.
Virtual Garage:
-Build your own Virtual Garage at your base.
-Virtual Garage allows you to store your vehicles. We're currently experimenting with a way to hotwire/break in to peoples garages. This would add extra risk of using them.
-Your vehicles will be relatively safe in your Virtual Garage.
-You can also store your vehicles with some Gear inside of them, but this will cost you.
-However, there is a Stored Vehicle Limit and also a time limit. After 10 days your vehicles will get deleted from your Virtual Garage.
Plot For Life:
-Plot Pole Remains After Death
Tow and Lift:
-You can use your car or helicopter to tow or lift another car.
XP System
-We have an XP System running on our Server. -It is one of our custom scripts. It is almost as if we had a second money system.
-You can use your XP to buy special vehicles or items that you can't get anywhere else. Go check out XP Trader for that.
-You can also use your XP to buy different perks. Press F4 for information on these perks.
-You can gain XP by killing other players, killing zombies, doing AI missions, harvesting weed, mining, pearl fishing and pretty much everything has a chance to give you XP.
Und jede menge mehr kleiner Features.
Wir würden uns freuen wenn ihr doch mal Lust habt vorbeizuschauen und vielleicht sieht man sich ja InGame.