Beiträge von utcity.conan


    we are looking for new Players.
    Our Arma 2 Dayz Server ist running again.
    Search for Utcity in the DayZ Launcher or join with ip
    The Server ist fresh and everyone is welcome.
    Ger/Eng Guys play on this Server.
    If u search for a good Server that runs very well and u looking forward to have a great Player community then this Server is the way that u should go :)
    Some future: Different and hard Missions/Hero&Bandit Missions/Good Ikea/Convoy Missions/Hard Ai's/Good Vehicle spawnrates/Building-snap/Good and fairly admins/Day,Night gmt+1/Custom Loot spots/Abandoned Safes/etc...

    If u want to have a look then just do it.
    Server Ip: Server name. Ts: feel free to ask everything u want:)

    greetz utcity.conan