Beiträge von reen624

    Also, nach einer schweren Zeit die letzten 2 Wochen, gehts nun wieder aufwärts. Immer mehr neue Gesichter und Gruppen formieren sich.

    Es würde mich persönlich freuen, wenn ihr/du mal vorbeischaust und unser basebuilding ausprobierst.
    Natürlich nur, wenn es dich nicht abschreckt, dass du nicht mit Kompass und Axt spawnst. ;)

    See you around
    Grüße René

    Hello World!

    7saints proudly presents its brand new gameserver, hompage and forum.

    What is

    7s represents a platform for ArmA 2 DayZ Mod

    What does 7saints offer?

    7s offers a hompage, a forum for its users, teamspeak 3 - all hosted by 7s on a decent dedicated root server located in Germany with Gbit lan.

    What makes 7saints special?

    - We made Basebuilding 1.3 running on the newest version of DayZ (currently
    ( As far as we know, we are the only ones which made it work on original DayZ Mod since version 183)

    - Frequently administrated server

    - 7s services will stay free. No donation system. Ever.

    History of 7saints:

    All founders of 7saints were influenced by seaweeds zerosurvival server. All loved the basebuilding, the server politics and the community and gameplay there.
    After seaweeds closing, we were looking for a server which closes the hole he left. We couldn´t find one single server that fitted to our needs. So we decided to start our own buisness.
    All founders love DayZ and nearly can´t play any other game. Dedication and passion made us bringing up the whole 7saints idea.
    7saints are established in januaray 2015, so we are a brand new community. But we already made it to gametracker rank 150 and now begin to battle with epoch servers.
    Thats why i opened this thread, we need your assistance!

    What are the server politics?

    7saints will host a slightly customized vanilla like server.
    We want to improve the game as much as we can, without breaking the main idea of DayZ.

    What settings are we running?

    Full 24 hours Day/Night Cycle
    No Crosshairs
    No Mapmarkers
    Rare vehicles
    Rare decent loot
    Rare map customizations
    You might get an idea of what the server wants to be.

    What we need now?

    You testing our services!

    Kind regards
    René "reen624" W.


