not sure if allready posted:
the one to die the last from drinking desinfectant spray wins!
Beiträge von mrcake
ACT Gemüsesuppe
[img width=700 height=393]http://cloud-4.steamuserconten…6239868CE7863FBAB985B3FC/[/img] -
Nice guys.
Personally, I'm sorry about the situation on the MB by Vibor :-\
No problem, it was our fault for not being careful -
date: 21/01/15
time: 02:03
comment: Speedhacker running around at NWAF, we logged out the moment we saw him. (This might have something to do with desync but I was throwing stuff around and that didnt lag or anything at the moment we saw the guy running)
[img width=700 height=393]http://cloud-4.steamuserconten…BDD0C9FA2D748FCA460811D4/[/img] -
[img width=700 height=393]http://cloud-4.steamuserconten…4028E7D90EB3B6BE162FDCE5/[/img]
made some screenshots
[img width=700 height=393]…3A403493C628CCDF617C480B/[/img]
[img width=700 height=393]…BB93C68FC6BA5F7417B1D904/[/img]
[img width=700 height=393]…7A0638A9DC0BE1983D08C9D6/[/img] -
Fixed, fully working now
I tried to understand and think it´s an overlay for streaming right?left side inormation about you and chat and on the right screen you can open the map.
Looks really nice, how can you use it ingame? which software do you need? its a desktop customization program. It has alot of premade skins that look pretty neat. or if you want to go dig in the code like me they have some pretty good documentation.
Okay so i made a temporary fix by disabling one web-parser if the other is trying to get the website. unfortunately it breaks the webparser after a couple updates so i'm going to ask on the rainmeter forum what the best plan would be for this use case. i'll update the code (i also added comments)
Also if you want to use the Dayz map you can just use it separately. I like it because it has the town names
(i might make a program someday that fetches the map automatically, if i'm bored in class)
damn, the chatlist is not a fixed length. I'm now stuck on a bug where rainmeter cant parse the same website twice. time to post on the rainmeter forum!
well in short i use it on my second monitor, rainmeter opens the map when i start dayz so i dont have to open another website
The chat rainmeter skin checks the germandazy chat so if there is anything happening we can go there, or when we have a fight I can see if anyone posted it on the chat.or in short. No more Alt-Tab out of game for me
I was working on a rainmeter skin for myself
I made a skin for rainmeter that reads the chat for latest post and checks the number of players on the server ( info so it's not absolutely accurate)
[img width=320 height=1080][/img]
Here is the skin file
If you want to use this skin you have to edit the gmail meter (fill in username and password converted to html code and inside layout edit your steamID url to your url + "?xml=1")Code
Alles anzeigen;----------measures------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;=======GermanDayzChat============================================================================================= ;this will grab the 2 last posts from the chat [MeasureShoutbox] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\WebParser.dll URL=;sa=get;xml;row=0;restart ;RegExp=(?siU).*?<a.*>(.*)</a>.*<span.*>.*<span.*>(.*)</div> RegExp=(?siU).*?<a.*>(.*)</a>.*<span.*>.*<span.*>(.*)</div>.*<a.*>.*<a.*>(.*)</a>.*<span.*>.*<span.*>(.*)</div> UpdateRate=1 ;will grab the Name of the poster [MeasureProfile] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\WebParser.dll URL=[MeasureShoutbox] StringIndex=1 DecodeCharacterReference=1 ;grabs the text that was chatted [MeasurePost] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\WebParser.dll URL=[MeasureShoutbox] StringIndex=2 DecodeCharacterReference=1 RegExpSubstitute=1 Substitute="(?siU)<img(.*)/>":"","(?siU)<a(.*)>":"","(?siU)</a>":"" ;will grab the Name of the second poster [MeasureProfile1] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\WebParser.dll URL=[MeasureShoutbox] StringIndex=3 DecodeCharacterReference=1 ;grabs the second text that was chatted [MeasurePost1] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\WebParser.dll URL=[MeasureShoutbox] StringIndex=4 DecodeCharacterReference=1 RegExpSubstitute=1 Substitute="(?siU)<img(.*)/>":"","(?siU)<a(.*)>":"","(?siU)</a>":"" ;=======================GermanDayzServers================================================================== ;this measures the gametracker it starts with the Teamspeak server and ends with server 4 ;it will be saved as stringindex=1 --> "Teamspeak" ;stringindex=2 --> "15/650" ;stringindex=3 --> "Dayz server 1" ;look at the URL and you will see ;If they decide to add more servers (or remove servers) add/remove the following line at the end of RegExp ;</tr>.*<tr>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>(.*)</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>(.*)</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*</tr>.* [MeasureServer] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\WebParser.dll URL= RegExp=(?siU)(?siU)<table class="table_lst table_lst_scp">.*<tr>.*</tr>.*<tr>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>.*<a.*>(.*)</a>.*</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>(.*)</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*</tr>.*<tr>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>.*<a.*>(.*)</a>.*</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>(.*)</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*</tr>.*<tr>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>.*<a.*>(.*)</a>.*</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>(.*)</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*</tr>.*<tr>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>.*<a.*>(.*)</a>.*</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>(.*)</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*<td>.*</td>.*</tr>.*</table> UpdateRate=1 ;------measures the second name/number of players block [MeasureServer1N] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\WebParser.dll URL=[MeasureServer] StringIndex=3 DecodeCharacterReference=1 RegExpSubstitute=1 Substitute="\s\s+":""," -":"" [MeasureServer1P] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\WebParser.dll URL=[MeasureServer] StringIndex=4 DecodeCharacterReference=1 RegExpSubstitute=1 Substitute="\s\s+":"" ;------measures the third name/number of players block [MeasureServer2N] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\WebParser.dll URL=[MeasureServer] StringIndex=5 DecodeCharacterReference=1 RegExpSubstitute=1 Substitute="\s\s+":""," -":"" [MeasureServer2P] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\WebParser.dll URL=[MeasureServer] StringIndex=6 DecodeCharacterReference=1 RegExpSubstitute=1 Substitute="\s\s+":"" ;------measures the fourth name/number of players block [MeasureServer3N] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\WebParser.dll URL=[MeasureServer] StringIndex=7 DecodeCharacterReference=1 RegExpSubstitute=1 Substitute="\s\s+":""," -":"" [MeasureServer3P] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\WebParser.dll URL=[MeasureServer] StringIndex=8 DecodeCharacterReference=1 RegExpSubstitute=1 Substitute="\s\s+":""