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Frohes neues und alles Gute euch allen.
Nun ist auch diese Herkunft geklärt. Top!!!!!
Mach weiter so.
Klasse wie immer!!!
Kannst einen Strip über die Blauhelme machen?
Gruß Ozzi.
Zombis krabbeln doch jetzt. Vielleicht bringt dir das was.
Jedenfalls geil gemacht wie immer.
Weiter so!!!
Gruß Ozzi.
Saugeil wie immer^^
Und Glückwunsch wenn der Meister persönlich deine Comics twittert.
Ich sag´s immer wieder! Scheiß Fussball^^
Saugeil meiner, mach weiter so.
Zitat von [UNVblackraven link=topic=5545.msg63695#msg63695 date=1404219585]
Wer schön wenn vllt. Mal jemand das neuste update hier reinschreiben koennte wuerde mich ma Interrisieren. Danke.
Mfg euer blackraven
Damit du nicht verhungerst hier das nächste^^
Guten Morgen Survivalists,
Alpha 8.7 is out with many new additions, improvements and requested fixes including: New anti-cheat strategies with VAC enabled anti cheat integration, our new standalone Dedicated Server, new upgradable wood fort spikes, a heap of loot tuning, a ton of the most annoying player requested bug fixes and much, much more.
Note: If you want to try 8.7 make sure not to load your 8.6 save game as it might get corrupted. It might be fine but always back up your save. For best results start a new game with 8.7.
We’ve decided from now on to always make the last stable build available to re download so here’s how you do it.
1. Open your steam client.
2. Click on Games/View Games Library
3. Right click ‘7 Days to Die’ and select properties
4. From the new popup dialogue box select the ‘BETAS’ Tab
5. Under ‘Select the beta you would like to opt into’ – select ‘Alpha 8.6 Stable’
6. The game will then update and download Alpha 8.6
7. Switching back to the latest version is as easy as repeating steps 1-4 and on step 5 choose the option ‘None – Opt out of all Beta Programs’ and you’ll revert to the latest version
And for your detailed oriented folks here is a complete list of new Alpha 8.7 Release Notes. So check it out now funk soul brother!
Official Alpha 8.7 Release Notes
Added several new measures to deter cheaters including turning on Valve Anti Cheat and have begun processing cheaters. Servers have the option to run VAC true or false.
Added a new standalone Dedicated server software accessible to anyone who has purchased the game. You can find it in your steam client under Library/Tools/7 Days to Die Dedicated Server. Note: Client run coop will always be supported but Client run Dedicated servers will only be supported for a few weeks.. Server providers should run, test and migrate over to the new standalone server as soon as possible.
Added integrated NGUI 3 to the game in preparation for vector fonts in the next release.
Added new southwest adobe wall blocks and wedges in white, peach and tan wall. They also include variants with interior walls and trims
Added: Loot group “seeds” so as we add more plantable crops to the game it’s easy to implement them into the loot system
Added upgradable trunk tips and trunks
Added Drop Ceiling02 black ceiling for clubs and theaters
Added Ban now allows using steam ID to ban, does not require them to be on the server
Added If banned steam id is on the server it will kick them when banned
Added VAC Warning when joining a server with VAC Enabled
Changed: Removed ‘Suicide’ button
Changed: Chainsaws and augers are easier to find
Changed removed the suicide button in the normal game mode. It’s now a debug mode option only
Changed distribution of “low probability” ores like lead and potassium nitrate to occur more often in the ground
Changed the terrain textures now use the asset bundles
Changed moved some textures into external bundles. The dedi only build doesn’t include these textures now
Changed removed old block cacti
Changed stability glue of cloth so it’s more stable
Changed improved performance on dropped items (simpler collision checks)
Changed English.txt updating all new items
Changed Bush1 the green bush that yields sticks in the plains is now a bit bigger to allow it to be seen better
Changed removed old redundant “lit campfire” block id 856
Changed femur has durability and breaks
Changed increased durability of all wooden clubs
Changed increased chance of finding garbage in houses instead of hero loot containers
Changed increased chance to find empty jars than food in cupboards
Changed greater chance to find garbage on roads instead of backpacks
Changed added more deer and rabbits to the biomes but slowed the re-spawn delay significantly
Changed: Improved water art
Changed: over 96 blocks now drop scrap Iron when destroyed
Changed: Decreased lower cupboard and stove loot from 1-2 to 0 to 2 items
Changed: Increased spawn time for deer to re-spawn to approximately 8 days
Changed Sped up daytime zombie alerted approach speed
Bug Fixes
Fixed height collision on cacti
Fixed zombies descending on hills don’t pirouette anymore
Fixed Dogs should not clip through player
Fixed cactuses don’t do damage
Fixed can’t pick up some small rocks
Fixed Window01 white and window02 collision
Fixed bird nests and small trash being hard to loot
Fixed bug where ammo and gasoline get consumed from your inventory by other people in MP
Fixed bug when player is dehydrated and eats an item that lowers hydration further the stamina drain sound loops forever
Fixed sound fade in on planes
Fixed Can’t walk up a player placed dirt slope
Fixed bug where TNT explodes twices
Fixed placing a sleeping bag at some rotations allows half of it to be picked up
Fixed trigger radius of landmines we’re too small
Fixed in SP the DropOnQuit option was taken from the last MP game
Fixed a lot of sounds issues when joining dedicated server
Fixed Lumber Jack Digging, was broken
Fixed bug that trunk blocks were not destroyable
Fixed crash when flying in and out of police station
Fixed players and crates are not affected by View Distance
Fixed Terrain decoration on dead shrub so it doesn’t float on hills sometimes
Fixed Terrain decoration on trash so it doesn’t float on hills sometimes
Fixed pole blocks can now be burned for firewood
Fixed other player names render on top of the crafting tarp
Fixed bug where using water buckets you can break doors
Fixed BannedUntil wasn’t being properly checked against server time
Added a console “saveworld” command for dedis to be able to save the current state of a world
Added a simple Zombie Performance Limiter as a GamePref so server providers can set this limit manually setup the default to 60 Added: VACEnabled GamePref Valve Anti-Cheat defaults to enabled. This will start tracking for any trainers or cheats that a client might be using when playing on a VAC enabled server.
This entry was posted in News on 07/09/2014 by rhuenink.
also ich würde ja noch ein paar Wochen warten und dann den ArmA 3 Mod zocken, der kommt wesentlich besser rüber.
Hatte ich auch so probiert und nix ging.
Hatte vielleicht zwei oder drei Rubberbandings. Aber sonst nichts. Ich denke das bekommen sie recht schnell unter die Haube.
Einfach Top. Hast mir grade den Feierabend versüst damit.^^
Ich für meinen Teil, denke es läuft gefühlt etwas flüssiger. Ich meine auch ein neues Gebiet durchstreift zu haben , kann mich allerdings auch irren, da es Nacht war. Und da ist alles grau....
Wegfindung für Zombis ist denk ich nich dabei. Die laufen stur genauso wie 0.45.
Ich lass mich allerdings gern etwas besseren belehren.
Bitte lass sie wieder leben^^
Zeichnest sehr gut. Humor ist Top. Mach weiter so.
Moin moin alle zusammen,
ich lese hier schon seit geraumer Zeit einige Themen bei euch.
Vor allem angetan hat´s mir der Web-comic. Musste viele Tränen wegwischen.
Was mich zu euch treibt? Die Suche nach ein paar vernünftigen Leuten. Ich denk das wird sich machen lassen;-)
Was ich sonst noch zocke? MechWarriorOnline, 7 Days to Die, The Forest, Rust, Strategie im Allgemeinen eher Anno.
Was ich nich leiden kann sind Hacker und permanente Buguser.
Hoffe das reicht erst mal.^^
MfG, Joker.