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- das Germandayz Logo oben ist imo zu groß um vernünftig in der SB zu schreiben.
cool, werde ich testen
Hallo zusammen,
ich hab seit gestern ein komisches Problem in der Arbeit.
Mein 2. Bildschirm, verbunden per Displayport, geht einfach aus, wenn ich ein beliebes Programm rüberziehe.
Nochmal komplett:
1. Bildschirm (rechts) geht normal
2. Bildschirm (links) zeigt beliebig lang das Hintergrundbild, das eingestellt ist.
Sobald ich ein Programm nach links ziehe, wird Bildschirm schwarz.
Ich kann allerdings das Programm noch nach rechts ziehen, wenn ich die Programmleiste treffe.
Also geht er ja noch, zeigt nur nichts an.
Es ist egal welches Programm.
Beide Bildschirme sind Samsung S24D300H
Windows 7
16 GB Ram
i5 6400
Intel Graphics HD 530 ( ;D )
Ich hoffe, mir kann jemand helfen
EDIT: Hab grad versucht, kabel zu wechseln, dann geht der andere Bildschirm aus.
Werde mal nachher ein neues Kabel kaufen
Das 4x Scope wird am Donnerstag gefixt
Da Playerunknown diesen Tweet retweetet hat, kann man davon ausgehen, dass das eine der zwei neuen Maps wird:
Falls ihr dem Exploit entgegenwirken wollt, dass ihr während dem Fallen ausm Flugzeug per Punch stirbt, geht vor der Runde ins Wasser. Soll helfen, dass ihr net getötet werden könnt
Eine neue Waffe, möglicherweise die AN-94 mit einem PSO-1 scope.
Eventuell gibts dann auch neue Munition?! Die verschiesst nämlich 5,45 × 39 mm.
[img width=511 height=164][/img]
Könnte aber auch eine RPK sein
[img width=700 height=245]…6102178/RPK_right3-vi.jpg[/img]
die neue Trinkanimation
[img width=700 height=279]…733957924daf4ce196a7acef7[/img]
aus Discord / Reddit
Hier seht ihr in Zukunft alle Informationen rund um PUBG, sei es von Twitter / Reddit oder anderen Seiten.
Beim gestrigen Charity Event wurden über 211.000 $ gespendet.
Das Geld wird kranke Kinder verwendet :)!
Hier findet ihr immer die aktuellen Patchnotes
Da gestern beim Charity Event die Server gelaggt haben, evtl aufgrund eines DDOS Angriffs, folgen hier ein paar lustige Chat-Ausschnitte von Playerunknown ;D
[img width=349 height=399][/img]
[img width=320 height=63][/img]
Paar Updates vom Video mit Tech Insider
ZitatAlles anzeigenUpdates: Streamer asked about rocket launchers, PU said probably not but they've been looking at M203 underbarrel m16 launchers, but it doesn't seem very likely as of now for the core game mode. Same goes for dual wielding pistols, not very realistic when trying to reload two pistols in battle.
More cosmetics will be added soon and there will be no paid-content until after release.
Lots of great content to come but their main focus is to work as fast they can on patches for both framerates and server lag.
Have devs looking at the console platform and it's going to happen, but not until the PC version is fully done.
Bullet drop and spread mechanics are still a work in progress.
Weapon damage and armor stats are still a work in progress (they're close to where they want to be but obviously will continue balancing/fixing damage done.)
Would like to add 1 weapon a month until release.
Directional audio is still a work in progress and a huge focus. The main dev on this feature is an ex CS pro-tier player.
Still hotfixing tons of those crappy falling animation glitches every day (you can see the build number change nearly every game you are in at the bottom middle of screen, version number).
He loves seeing the funny game modes already popping up in Customs. One Korean streamer has a makeshift Zombie mode where 1 squad is allowed to get melee weapons and 92 others have to use their fists attempting to kill the squad. Goldeneye where it's first person only, no armor no meds, and only pistols. Or "where's waldo?" 1 player dresses up in the red/white striped tee shirt and tries to hide from the other 99 players. Sounds fun
Adding more the point above, they will definitely add more options to the customs mode over time so when it goes public, we all get a chance to create some fun rulesets. He mentioned being able to remove the blue zone completely and make it a free roam map. Also thinks car races around the map would be fun too, once more options and mods come! (and less "car humping" bugs. his words, not mine lol)
"Map is meant to be sort of a forgotten island somewhere in the black sea and Soviets during the war to use as a military base.. then was abandoned due to an "accident". Basic gist of it. PU big fan of brutalist architecture and very proud of the map. If you didn't know the map is named "Erangel" in relation to PU's daughter Eireann.
Even more variety will be trickled into the current map so we have a few more interior models and such.
They now have 2 new members of the team that are officially "data scientists" and came from Bluehole's MMO studio. They're now analyzing the huge piles of data from the last couple months and will help being tweaking and balancing everything from car speed to parachute distances to gun damage. That is super exciting!
PU has always had faith that this genre could be done right and be a massively popular game. But he didn't expect 2 million copies so quickly and even though that puts a ton of pressure on his shoulders, he's at peace because of his "incredible" dev team. It will be good.
Host says "and for an early access game I've been very surprised how well it runs as I've not seen any crashes personally --" PU chimes in "Well for you that's great! But there are some people that have been crashing constantly and we truly, sincerely, apologize to those people and are working very hard to get those issues patched immediately. 90% of players might have no crashing issues but we need that to be as close to 100% as possible. Always send reports!"
They're constantly brainstorming circle speed ideas and firmly believe the only thing that should kill you is other players (if playing within the basic rules). Changes will come soon to circle speeds and new mechanics may be tested.
ZitatAlles anzeigenTwo new maps are in the works self.PUBATTLEGROUNDS
eingereicht vor 14 Stunden * von redskye
Update: Dan states that one map will be "sort of a small scale desert town affair" and the other an island with an icy snowy middle (assuming a mountain), with temperate jungles on the outskirts.