[Live]nur 28.01. Hittet through closed door and damned to stay.

  • First, sorry for my bad english.

    Dear fav Devs. Could you please rescue me (because it's all hived i can't contact serveradmin) .

    My tragic story that i'm alive since.... 1 or nearly 2 weeks ? Totally equipped with all i need -and, fellow survivors -I''m talkin about enough food, medicals andmost of prestige stuff to keep me warm in the wilderness, to survive. Standart to be equipped with weapons, but not necessary at all, for now.

    I 'm on green mountain, back from visiting the northest well above the NorthWestAirfield. Nice countryside you should visit. Closed the gate to confuse others, I'm on fleeing in the camo house while my axe floating in my right hand same time the left opens the front door and my brain calculates the distance to the zombie on my left.

    I turn around and the zombie hit's me through the closed door in my back.

    And here I am. I think I can survive 2 days up till now. Hope someone can here me.... see me on http://de.twitch.tv/z13l5ch31b3/ . ... Help, I'm waiting here ...