Neue Animationen

  • Schön Schön

    Das 2 soll wohl heißen ich werde dich töten oder du bist schon so gut wie tod


    New animations on new skeleton

    Throwing your old weapon down when picking up a new one



    Tripping (if you get to close to something in the road it may trip your character)


    Your character holding/carrying things other than a weapon (heavy items and such)




    Grabbing injured locations

    Better animations for reloading

    A bolt action rifle animation

    Quick throw down of weapon and put up hands animation

    If you open a map there is an animation in the world that shows you holding a map


    Flipping off


    Throat slicing

    Hand gestures (stop signal, get down signal, etc)

    Imitate zeds (this will only work if zeds and survivors can have the same clothing)

    Fake dead

    Various death/injured animations

    Opening inventory (remove backpack to access, put backpack back on when done)

    Bleeding animations much improved

    Viewing compass/watch animations, pull your wrist up to you vision (no more always displayed on screen, must pull out the item)

    Holstering pistol animation (if you have a leg holster)

    Animations for the various medical applications

    Use other players as a human shield

    Commo Rose to bring up the various animations

    In addition to commo rose, perhaps you can bind "Alt" and another key to use each animation that is user controlled

    Your character has various death bodies depending on what took you out. If a zed got you you'll look eaten and torn apart. If shot to death then you'll have various bullet holes. Etc


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Adebar ()