Feed the Beast Ultimate Server! Brought you by Dench and TehFocus
STARTEVEN ON THE 31st May 2013 AT 7PM German Time!
New to Feed the Beast? That's not a problem. Take a look here
You want to play on our Server? Then you are in the right place! I am going to tell you everthing you need to know: Plugins, Rights, Commands, Banned Items and Infos!
You'll need the Feed the Beast Ultimate 1.1.2 Modpack to play with us!
§0: You have to follow all Rules!! We don't tell about the punishment for a reason. Be a nice guy and play fair!
§1: Respect other players!! We don't want to see insults are racism on our server!
§2: There is a problem about the serverlanguage. Most of the people will talk german. If you want to know what someone said(dont ask all the time) just ask him and he will answer you in english.
§2.2: The serverlanguage is german/english. If you are playing with someone in a diffrent language, use /msg (name) or Steam/Skype/TS3/Facebook etc.
§3: Be fair and do what you said when you trade or play with others! We can check it, if you scammed someone!
§3.2: If you are buying/selling items, then you should check the adminshop with /shops .The adminshop-sellingprice should be the smallest and the buyingprice the biggest, to make sure that the economy works! We can delete your shop at any time without giving your items back!
§4: Claims will be deleted automaticly after some time. Griefing your stuff, if you are inactive is allowed. If you are VIP or if you built an awesome house, I (TehFocus) will protect it by myself to keep it at any chance.
§4.2: You have to claim 150 blocks away from the spawnprotection and 100 blocks away from other players if they did'nt allowed you to built near them. Anyway, I would be pleased to see some Towns in the near future! It's always more fun together!
§4.3: Griefing is forbidden! If a player did'nt protect his stuff, but is active, you'll be punished when you grief. If the players is inactive, it's okay but it's still stealing!
§4.4: NO 1x1 towers above 6 blocks! They are ugly as hell!
§4.5: Playertraps are forbidden!
§5: You can setup 3 quarries but only 1 running at the same time. Landmarks are deactivated to prevent big quarries!
§5.2: Only one cobblestonegenerator per player!
§5.3: Turtles are only allowed in your area! Griefing will be punished!
§6: Explosive machines must be protected! If you want to run a reactor of any kind, set it up (COMPLETELY) and contact an admin/mod to check it. It needs a major-off-button!
§6.1: All bigger machinesetups need a major-off-button to shut them down very fast!
§7: You are not allowed to claim in the End or the Endportal. If you find an Endportal outside the spawnarea, contact an Admin!
§7.1: You are allowed to claim in the nether, if you do that at least 200 blocks away from the portal. Lavapumps are allowed but don't pump to much.
Our Admin/Mod team
Roottechnican/Admin: Dench
Limited Rootaccess/Servermaker/Admin: TehFocus
Moderator for international players: xBurrow
BOSEconomy - Our Economy Plugin!. All Infos are here
CommandBook - Gives us common commands like /sethome /spawn /warp und /me . More Infos are here
Dynmap - Makes an Online- Minimap. If it's working, you'll find it here. More Infos about it are here
GriefPrevention - Makes it possible to do your own claims! You can even share your claims with friends to build awesome towns (More infos below) MAKE ME PROUD AND BUILD SOME AWESOME STUFF! More Infos about commands are here
PermissionsEx - Our Permissionsplugin. You don't have to know much about it, but if you want, infos are here
PlayerHeads - Drops Playerheads on death or mobheads when Players kills them. More infos are here
ShowCaseStandalone - Our Shopplugin. Allows you to make Displays, Buy-Shops, Sell-Shops and Exchange-Shops. Infos are here
TekkitCustomizer - Bans items. Banlist is below, Infos are here
World Border - Limits the world with invisible walls. I am updating if we get more players. Infos are here
WorldEdit - Changes things, bad ass style. Infos are here
WorldGuard - Portects you and our world from explosions and croptrampling. Infos are here
CraftBook - Technical stuff as shown here. You can't use it YET!
Banned Items
- 46:*:TNT:TNT is forbidden!
- 120:*:Enderportalframe:Personal Enderportals are forbidden!
- 243:*:Chunkloader:Chunkloading is forbidden!
- 511:*:Land Mark:Buildcraft Machines have to be at it's common size!
- 613:*:ITNT:TNT is forbidden!
- 622:*:Nuke:Selfexplaining!
- 763:1:Block Breaker:Removed to prevent serverlags!
- 1053:*:Anchor/Chunk loader:Chunkloading is forbidden!
- 1396:*:Gravity Gun:Removed to prevent griefing!
- 6362:*:REP:Removed to prevent PvP/Griefing
- 7759:*:Anchorcart:Chunkloading is forbidden!
- 7761:*:Tunnelbore:Removed to prevent griefing!
- 7809:*:Personal Anchorcart:Chunkloading is forbidden!
- 13457:*:Portalgun:Portals are disabled to prevent griefing (Luna would not be amused to see guests on the moon)!
- 13458:*:Portalgun:Portals are disabled to prevent griefing (Luna would not be amused to see guests on the moon)!
- 13459:*:Portal Spawner:Portals are disabled to prevent griefing (Luna would not be amused to see guests on the moon)!
- 30214: Dynamite: Removed to prevent griefing!
- 30215: Dynamite: Removed to prevent griefing!
- 30208: Mining Laser: Removed to prevent griefing!
- 25283: Wand of equal trade: Removed to prevent griefing!
- 25284: Wand of excavation: Removed to prevent griefing!
- 25268:*:Portable hole is forbidden!
How to make claims
Step 1: Get a golden shovel (with /kit starter or by crafting)
Step 2: Mark 2 positions with 1 rightclick each. Watch that you don't make it too small or too big
Step 3 (Optional): Use /trust (Name) to allow a player to build in your areas. /AccessTrust (Name) to give them the permission, to use Buttons, Doors etc. and /ContainerTrust (Name) for accesstrust + chests, machines, animals an co.
Step 4 (Optional): Buy more claimblocks by playing or using the command /BuyClaimBlocks (Attention! Claimblocks are VERY expensive!)
Step 5 (Optional): Use /UnTrust (Name) to delete players from using your protected stuff.
Step 6 (Optional): Use /AbandonClaim to delete the area you are standing in or /AbandonAllClaims to delete all claims. You can sell claimblocks with /SellClaimBlocks
Common Commandos
This short tutorial tells you everything about the common commands you can use:
/spawn - Teleport to the spawn
/call (name) - Call someone to teleport to them
/time - Shows the time
/kit starter - Spawns the starterkit (Huge cooldown)
/who - Shows all online players
/warps - Shows all warps
/afk - Sends a message to everyone that you are AFK
/msg (name) (text) - Sends private messages
/return - Teleport back to your last position
/ me (nachricht) - Sends a message in this format: /me likes cookies=*AfternoonParty likes cookies
/mute (name) - Mutes Players[/me]
/unmute (name) - Unmutes Players
/sethome - Mark your home
/home - Teleport to your home
How to use the economy system
The name of our money is "Reichsmark". We are using BOSEconomy and ShowcaseStandalone.
/econ - Show Infos about BOSEconomy
/econ wallet - Check your money
/econ pay (name) (amount) - Pay someone
/econ top5 - Show the richest players
/econ income - Show your income
/scs - Show infos about showcasestandalone
/scs sell/buy [itemname/this] [amount] [price] - Creates a buy or sell shop. Buy means you are buying and sell means you are selling. You can buy items that you don't own by typing the ID of it instead of "this". Amount is the amount you are selling/buying and price is the price.
/scs display [item/this] - Creates an itemsdisplay. You can display items you don't own by typing their ID
/scs exchange [item/this:amount] [Item:amount] [amount1] [amount2] - Creates exchangeshops like this: /scs exchange log:1 wood:1 1 4 Creates an exchange shop and puts 1 log:1 form the players inventory in it. 1 log:1 will be sold for 4 wood:1
/scs add [amount] - Add items to a shop. Leave the amount blank to add everything you got
/scs get [amount] - Same like add only for removing
/scs remove - Remove a showcase
/scs price <price> - Change the price of a shop
/scs owner <owner> - Change the owner of a shop
/scs amount <amount> - Change the amount of items your are buying/selling
/scs abort - Cancel something
If you still need help, check this link here