Frohe Weihnachten allerseits
wie der Titel schon sagt versuche ich vergeblich seit gestern BEC auf meinem DayZ SA Server zum laufen zu bringen.
Ich hoste den DayZ Server auf einem Windows Rootserver.
Das Internet habe ich bereits erfolglos nach jeder noch so kleinen Hilfe, die zur Lösung des Problems beitragen könnte durchforstet,
wesshalb ich euch nun um Hilfe bitte. Ich habe absolut keine Ahnung was ich noch versuchen könnte. Ich hatte ja schon öfters mal Probleme mit BEC im ArmA 3 bereich,
aber irgendwie hat es am Schluss dann immer funktioniert....
Hier mal meine Dateien:
Vorab ein Bild was BEC mir nach dem Start anzeigt: Klick mich
Es scheint ja Teilweise zu funktionieren so wie es auf dem Bild aussieht aber weder Scheduler noch Whitelist funktionieren..., die Logs spucken auch keine Errors aus.
Nun meine Dateien:
hostname = "[GER] DayZ Test"; // Server name
password = ""; // Password for connection to the server
passwordAdmin = "testpasswort"; // Password to become server admin
steamQueryPort = 2303;
maxPlayers = 60;
verifySignatures = 2; // Verifies .pbos against .bisign files. (use only 2)
forceSameBuild = 1; // Server will allow connection only to clients with same exe revision as server when active (value 0-1)
disableVoN = 0; // Enable/disable voice over network (value 0-1)
vonCodecQuality = 7; // Voice over network codec quality (values 0-30)
disable3rdPerson=0; //turn on/off 3rd person view for players on the particular server instance (value 0-1)
disableCrosshair=0; //turn on/off cross-hair on the particular server instance (value 0-1)
serverTime="2018/12/15/07/30"; // Server Start Time // Initial ingame time of server. "SystemTime" means local time of machine. Another possibility is to set the time to some value in "YYYY/MM/DD/HH/MM" format, f.e. "2015/4/8/17/23" .
serverTimeAcceleration=2; // Accelerated Time (value 0-24) // This is a time multiplier for in-game time. In this case time would move 24 times faster than normal, an entire day would pass in one hour.
serverTimePersistent=0; // Persistent Time (value 0-1) // Actual server time is saved to storage, so when active, next server start will use saved time value.
guaranteedUpdates=1; // Communication protocol used with game server (use only number 1)
loginQueueConcurrentPlayers=5; // Number of players concurrently processed during login process. Should prevent massive performance drop during connection when a lot of people are connecting in the same time.
loginQueueMaxPlayers=500; // Maximum number of players that can wait in login queue
instanceId = 1; // DayZ server instance id to identify number of instances per box and their storage folders with persistence files
lootHistory = 1; // how many persistence history files should been kept by instance, number is looped over during save
storeHouseStateDisabled = false; // Disable houses/doors persistence (value true/false), usable in case of problems with persistence
storageAutoFix = 1; // Checks if persistence files are corrupted and replaces corrupted ones with empty ones (value 0-1)
class Missions
class DayZ
template="dayzOffline.ChernarusPlus"; //used mission //first part is mission name, second part is used map
respawnTime = 10;
motd[] = {"",
"Willkommen auf dem Test DayZ Standalone Server",
"Serverrestart ist alle 6 Stunden 00:00 | 06:00 | 12:00 | 18:00 GMT+1",
"Du hast keine Lust mehr alleine zu Zocken? Dann komm doch zu uns in´s Discord:"};
motdInterval = 60;
maxPing= 200;
timeStampFormat = "Full";
logAverageFps = 300;
logMemory = 300;
logPlayers = 600;
logFile = "server_console.log";
enableDebugMonitor = 0;
Alles anzeigen
Meine Start Server und Battleye.bat:
@echo off
TITLE DayZ SA Server - Status
:: Variables::
::DayZServer_64.exe path
set DAYZ-SA_SERVER_LOCATION="C:\Gameserver\DayZ_Server_1\DayZFiles"
::Bec.exe path
set BEC_LOCATION="C:\Gameserver\DayZ_Server_1\DayZFiles\BEC"
echo Agusanz
goto checksv
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq DayZServer_x64.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "DayZServer_x64.exe">NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto checkbec
echo Server is not running, taking care of it..
goto killsv
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq Bec.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "Bec.exe">NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto loopsv
echo Bec is not running, taking care of it..
goto startbec
FOR /L %%s IN (30,-1,0) DO (
echo Server is running. Checking again in %%s seconds..
timeout 1 >nul
goto checksv
taskkill /f /im Bec.exe
taskkill /f /im DayZServer_x64.exe
goto startsv
echo Starting DayZ SA Server.
timeout 1 >nul
echo Starting DayZ SA Server..
timeout 1 >nul
echo Starting DayZ SA Server...
start DayZServer_x64.exe -config=C:\Gameserver\DayZ_Server_1\DayZMaster\cfg\serverDZ.cfg -port=2302 -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck -noFilePatching -BEpath=C:\Gameserver\DayZ_Server_1\DayZFiles\battleye -profiles=C:\Gameserver\DayZ_Server_1\DayZFiles\PlayerLogs
FOR /L %%s IN (45,-1,0) DO (
echo Initializing server, wait %%s seconds to initialize Bec..
timeout 1 >nul
goto startbec
echo Starting Bec.
timeout 1 >nul
echo Starting Bec..
timeout 1 >nul
echo Starting Bec...
timeout 1 >nul
start Bec.exe -f Config.cfg --dsc
goto checksv
Alles anzeigen
Meine BEServer_X64.cfg:
Meine BEC Config.cfg:
Ip =
Port = 2302
BePath = C:\Gameserver\DayZ_Server_1\DayZFiles\battleye
Admins = Admins.xml
Commands = Commands.xml
LogDir = Config
# Only allow english chars.
AsciiNickOnly = True
# Kick players who has listed chars in their name
DisallowPlayerNameChars = ё,я,ш,е,р,т,ы,у,и,о,п,ю,щ,э,а,с,д,ф,г,ч,й,к,л,ь,ж,з,х,ц,в,б,н,м,ъ,Ё,Я,Ш,Е,Р,Т,Ы,У,И,О,П,Ю,Щ,Э,А,С,Д,Ф,Г,Ч,Й,К,Л,Ь,Ж,З,Х,Ц,В,Б,Н,М,Ъ
ServerExeName = DayZServer_x64.exe
Color = 0f
ConsoleHeight = 65
ConsoleWidth = 100
Timeout = 60
Scheduler = Scheduler.xml
AsciiChatOnly = False
WordFilterFile = BadWords.txt
WhiteListFile = WhiteList.txt
WhileListKickMsg = You are not in the whitelist.
NickFilterFile = BadNames.txt
ChatChannelFiles = false
MinPlayerNameLength = 3
MaxPlayerNameLength = 20
SlotLimit = 120
SlotLimitKickMsg = The Server has reached its player limit.
Ban = 3
Alles anzeigen
Meine Test Scheduler.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="acs.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
<!-- Scheduler Creator - Autor: BeavisTheSecond - Version: 1.3 -->
<job id='0'>
<cmd>say -1 text 1</cmd>
<job id='1'>
<cmd>say -1 text 2</cmd>
Alles anzeigen
Hoffe wirklich das mir jemand weiter Helfen kann
MFG Smoky