Devblog 163



    Polished metal melee weapon impacts
    Misc minor sound and mix tweaks
    AK47 Horizontal Recoil slightly increased
    AK47 Maximum Aimcone slightly reduced
    DBS aimcone reduced
    DBS recoil reduced
    Eoka aimcone reduced
    Handmade Shell does 9 damage instead of 7
    Handmade Shell spread increased slightly
    Handmade Shell Pellet velocity decreased
    Shotgun Slugs are now half price
    Buckshot max effective distance increased to 40m
    Shotgun Pellet grouping weighted to the center slightly
    Automatic Weapons have slight center weighting for automatic shots
    Added server.woundingenabled ConVar. When false players always die
    Fixed Thompson having wrong screenshake effect
    Fix npcs spamming footstep effects when moved long distances in a single frame
    Fixed bug where aimcone was using spherical math instead of circular
    Fixed viewmodel flickering when spamming RMG
    Fixed viewmodel going crazy when ADS immediately after weapon deploy
    Fixed bows flooding the server with RPCs when aiming them with no arrows in the inventory
    Added additional DOS protection to server
    Added maxrpcspersecond server convar
    Added maxtickspersecond server convar
    Added maxcommandspersecond server convar
    Added P2P flooding protection to client
    Added maxpeerspersecond client convar
    Optimized several client side commands related to entity lookups
    Tweaked scale of small clutter rocks
    Optimized anisotropic filtering on textures and skins
    Optimized and trilinear filtering on skins
    Optimized deferred decals using instancing
    Silenced TrackID error when DLL was not found
    Fixed item info showing up as null when destroying world items
    Added transform caching to deferred decals
    Eliminated garbage allocations on several dictionary keys
    Deleted unused third party assets (download size)
    Fixed broken reflections on Hapis rivers
    Reduced intensities on some emissive materials
    Fixed hurt effect looking too bright
    Fixed lighting on torch, campfire and furnace
    Fixed deferred mesh decals; e.g. numbers on harbor cranes
    Fixed laser pointer emissive blobs and beam intensity

    Chillen ist die Kunst, sich beim Nichtstun nicht zu langweilen.