Devblog 144


    Größe: 426.1MB


    Player model aim better representative of where player is aiming
    Optimized player animation
    Can see when other players are using ironsights
    Improved wolf sounds
    New sounds for python revolver
    Sound mix tweaks
    Optimized client side player entity rigidbodies
    Resource spawns check for players and constructions in a radius
    Junkpiles check surrounding terrain when spawning
    Fixed server errors when shooting junkpiles
    Improved spawn handler respawn rate using multiple retries (easier balancing)
    Allowed “graphics.shadowmode 2” on quality level 2 and above
    P250 damage falloff increased
    Added Python
    Plants visibly grow over time instead of snapping to their next stage
    Can take clones of plants
    Plants have genetics shared by clones
    Plants always have a small seedling visible when planted

    Chillen ist die Kunst, sich beim Nichtstun nicht zu langweilen.