Devblog 75


    Here's this week's change list

    Added news feed to menu
    Added server history to menu front page
    Added friends who are playing to menu front page
    Added player stats to menu
    Added global stats to menu
    Reorganised server list
    Added server info popup (instead of viewing in panel on right)
    Added inventory screen to menu
    Added store screen to menu
    Connection screen shows info about the server
    Added server.headerimage (url to image, 512x256)
    Added server.description (shown in server info panel)
    Added server.url (shown in server info panel)
    Kill suicides instantly instead of being wounded
    Server history join date is recorded properly
    Boots require leather instead of cloth
    Longsleeve TShirt requires more cloth than shortsleeve
    Added bandana
    Added balaclava skins
    Fixed error reporting (was reporting too much)
    Fixed connection exploit
    Added lazy aim
    SQlite handles database corruption better
    Ladder placement no longer ignores building permission
    Ladders health increased
    Added new and improved hit detection
    Added projectile penetration
    Improved projectile ricochet
    Item skins now work (ie the one sleeping bag skin)
    Updated item descriptions
    New c4 explosion sound
    New beancan grenade sounds
    Reverb tails wander more naturally
    New building gib sounds
    Location based voice limiting for sounds
    Crossfading between more than two distant sound variations is supported
    New super distant gunshot sounds for all guns
    New leaf rustle variations for different plants
    Added a small sound when raising/lowering iron sights
    Cleaned up pie menu sounds a little bit
    Rocks have spec reflections again.
    Trees have branches again
    Improved terrain reflections
    Color grading reworked from scratch for upcoming changes
    Glossy mushrooms slightly reflect light (!)
    Elephant grass (near water) animation no longer acts all buggy
    Made pumpkin plants slightly harder to keep alive
    Fixed pumpkin plant colliding with players walking
    Tweaked weather parameters