Howdy Survivalists,
We’ve just released our Apha 11.3 patch fixed the worst reported user problems.
This should be compatible with saved games from 11.2 but if you experience any problems please reinstall the game and start a brand new game.
Here’s the details:
Added graphics option to specify grass view distance
Added Mouse Inversion setting now applies right away without the need of a game restart
Added Settings that take effect only when a game restarts are now unchangeable in-game
Added basic code mod interface, only loaded on the dedicated server build
Added new Foliage rendering distance option to help slower computers run the game
Changed Updated Tree LOD distances
Changed Dedi + Client now use about 200MB less heap memory
Changed reduced frequency of wandering hordes
Changed reduced default max alive at once in hordes to improve framerate
Changed sisable Cubemaps when not supported. Disable cubemaps when reflections are turned off
Changed game to default to Direct3D 11 with auto-fallback to D3D9 if D3D11 is not supported has performance gains for DirectX 11 supported cards
Changed Capped Animal spawning for better performance
Fixed Zombies passing through closed doors
Fixed: Block model LOD switching appears to not be functional regardless of LOD setting
Fixed mouse inversion broken
Fixed: Far clipping not setting when the game starts
Fixed ping display
Fixed Wood spikes go invisible and no longer damage
Fixed colors in chat not terminated properly if multiple colors were stacked
Fixed Terrain generator caching
Fixed Kick/Ban/ConnectionError Messages close very fast without interaction of user
Fixed Zombie Death State Not being sent to clients when out of chunk load distance
Fixed new model shape icons like the stairs looking wrong
Fixed flashlight control breaking after re-connecting to a dedi server
Fixed Zombies turn circles on porch wood poles (like undead strippers)
Fixed scrap metal piles in wasteland can be scrapped and smelted again
Fixed scrap metal piles in wasteland can be scrapped and smelted again
Fixed arrows are made of wood instead of metal
New Telnet implementation which allows multiple connections at a time and should be more resilient against crashes
Telnet uses UTF8 encoding. If you use PuTTY to connect select “Connection Type: Raw”
Telnet only listening on localhost if no password is set but it does not ask for password in this case in return
Output of console commands is only sent to the issuer of the command, not to all connected Telnet/Web clients
Types of log messages shown on a Telnet / Web connection can be selected for each connection individually with the “loglevel” command
Commands support double-quoted strings now, in order to use a double quote within such a quote use two quotes (e.g. say “Hello “”people”””)
Added new console commands (getgameprefs, gettime, kill, listplayerids, loglevel, version)
Commands rewritten (admin, ban, commandpermission, kick, settime, whitelist; use help <command> to see new/changed features)
Commands buff/debuff working on clients in multiplayer
Console help command extended by detailed help on single commands, some commands got that help texts added now
Known Issues
There are still a number of known duplication bugs please be patient as we will resolve these as soon as possible