After years of searching a good military server, my friedns and I created our own.
Now we need players to play on it.
15 new players on server will get a Starter Pack: Voodnik HMG, some cinder walls, basic items to bulid a small base, every Team gets 20 cinder walls, 20 metal floors, 3 cinder garage doors, 3 cinder dors, all stuff to upgrade walls, combination locks, 3 safes, a plot pole (which on our server has 100m range), 4bfc, and some basic stuff
Name: DayZ Epoch Soul Rippers Militarized Tanks|Jets|Elevators|etc
port: 2702
Snap bulding pro
Self BB
Plot pole 100m
Fast Trade, from backpack and vehicles
m107 (3bfc)
M107 TWS (5 bfc)
AS50 (1r)
AS50 TWS (2r)
M47Launcher (known as Dragoon,Rocket luncher with small posibility to controll the rockets, typical anti tank) (10bfc)
Igla (auto aimed rocked luncher, typica
Missions [H] (all bots have hero humanity)
Missions [B] (all bots have badit humanity)
Our bots are hard, but u can also have 1-2 bfc for a mission, sometimes more
Custum barracks
Aditional 2 castles around the map
Other vehicles:
M1A1 TUSK (3 ruby, tylko dla Hero)
T90 (3 ruby, bandit only)
T72 (1ruby bandit only)
t55 (10 bfc hero only)
Stryker MGS (7r), M2 (6bfc), Transport (4bfc)
AH-1Z (7r)
F35b (7r)
AV-8B (6r)
A10 (5r)
SU-34 (4r)
SU-25 (10 bfc)
AH-1D Apach (6r)
MI-24D (6r)
Mi17 Rocket (2r, bandit)
Mi17 rocked Czeh cammo (2r, hero)
Ka52 black (6r)
btr60 (6 bfc)
btr90 (9 bfc)
btr 40 (60 gold with gun) (40gold, basick)
bmp2 (8bfc)
bmp3 (7bfc)
Ural Z
AAV (6bfc)
LAV-25 (6bfc)
MLRS (but there is a rule "You Can`t destroy any LOCKED vehicles in someones base")
Voodnik HMG (3bfc)
We are open for sugestions
-You can`t destroy any LOCKED vehicle in someones base (castle walls count as a base part)
-You can take over someones base if it's 1 km from your base
-Listen to admins
-No trader Camping
-U can`t bulid near military (400m) (castles don't count)
-There are no bans for breaking the rules. You go to the prison and die from hunger or thirst
-U can take your friend back from prison in 2 ways:
- U can bribe the prison guard (admin)
- You can try and break him out of it but you'll have a problem with the guards (admins)
that regularly check the prison.
We'll often make some events with some nice prizes.
The server just switched to overpoch becouse noone was interested in epoch anymore
so the addons are currently being added and should be ready on a couple of days.
DayZOverpoch|Tanks|Jets|Full Militarized
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