DayZ Overpoch Zomboland(40 Slots) ist zurück.
Nach Längeren Pause sind wir nun wieder entschlossen zurück um unsere Community wieder auf zu bauen.
Dieses Mal nicht nur Epoch sondern mit overwatch (Overpoch)
Server& Scripter Inhaber: kingyuka
Support HeadAdmin & TS Admin : Kilmer
Teamspeak: ( 40 Slots )
Zomboland Server IP:
[GER|ENG] Zomboland DayZ Overpoch-Napf | *Vector Building*
Karte|Map: Napf
Server Features:
- Active Admins
- Team Speak Server 40 slot server
- Vector Building
- Start Gear
- Self Blood Bag
- Tow & Lifting
- Deploy Bike
-Free AutoRefuel
-AutoRepair for Gold
-Save Zone Trader
-New Price
-New Traders
500+ Vehicles
- Täglicher Restart | Daily 4h Server Restart
- Server Restart Time 0:00||4:00||8:00||12:00||16:00||20:00
- Server neustart Warnung | Server Restart Warnings
- No stealing from safe zones, this includes looking in other players vehicles or gear
- Don´t Destroy Locked Vehicle
- No flying choppers into player bases
- No shooting vehicles from outside safe zones
- Gun's, cars and Chopper guns are allowed to attack bases
- Base raiding is permitted
- No Voice over Side Chat
- Only German||English over Side Chat
- No Racism
- No Glitching/Hacking/Duplicating
Join Us today Zomboland and be a Part of us