Version 0.09b Changelog:
-(multiplayer) Fixed bug where building a Bonfire/Standing Fire/Fire Pit could cause game to crash
-(multiplayer) Fixed bug where traps wouldn’t reset correctly (rabbit trap, 3 enemy trap types)
-(multiplayer) Fixed bug where destroying blueprint/ghosts could cause client or server to be kicked from game
-(multiplayer) Fixed bug where rock holder/log holder/log sled use/construction could cause clients to be kicked from game
-(multiplayer)Fixed bug where if Host alt-tabbed out of game client would be kicked almost instantly
-(multiplayer)Fixed bug where having max rabbits or lizards in inventory and trying to pick more up could cause client to be kicked from game
-(multiplayer) Fixed bug where molotov could crash/kick players from game
-(multiplayer)Hopefully fixed issue where client/server pc camera would intermittently turn completely black - this one is hard to track down, let us know if still occurring.
-(multiplayer)Fixed missing enemy sound effects for client player (may still not appear in some cases if client is very far away from server player)
-(multiplayer) Fixed issue where picking up a fish would destroy player and crash server