Germandayz Watermark Tool
This tool allows you to create watermarked images and videos. Just drag and drop your
media into the main window and it will add a watermark to it. The output will be saved
into the same folder where the input is but with a "_gdz" postfix.
Eine Software erstellt um ein Germandayz Logo über Videos oder Bilder zu legen.
Wie geht das?
- Germandayz Watermark0r programm starten
- Medien direkt aus dem Browser in das Watermark0r Fenster ziehen
- Ausgabedateien werden im Eingangsverzeichnis gespeichert mit "_gdz" Endung.
This tool is also capable of bulk converting. Drag and Drop multiple files on it and leave it
a while.
It supports the following formats:
Images: jpg, png, bmp, dds
Video: avi, mp4, mkv, m4v, mov
Created by HToneill
Version 1.0.0
- HToneill