Version 2.9.8
- Urs
- [NEW] New Weapon: M14 ACOG
- [NEW] Temperature enhancements. Temperature will now play a bigger role in the survival aspect (Thanks to Chaba for pointing it out)
- [NEW] Better animation for eating and drinking directly from pumps
- [FIX] Gemetry fixes for new buildings
- [FIX] Shadow fixes for new buildings
- [FIX] Pathing fixes for new buildings
- [FIX] Lightning fixes for new buildings
- [FIX] Better textures for new buildings
- [FIX] Endless drinking and eating bug after relog
- [FIX] PSO fix for incompatible SVD variants
- [FIX] Food/Drink's loot in Supermarket lowered since players can now drink directly from pumps
- [FIX] Some searchable objects loot lowered: ammo box, metal case, military container
- [FIX] MilHouse loot lowered
- [FIX] Fixed an issue with adding/removing M203 GL to/from weapons
- [FIX] Removed Stamina Limit used in development which was added by mistake
- [FIX] Fixed some timing issues in player status synchronization
- [FIX] M249 can now also use 30Rnd. Stanag Mags.
- [NEW] New buildings interiors: Mil_Guardhouse, Mil_Barracks, Shed_W4, Ind_SawMill, HouseV_1I3, HouseV_2I, HouseV_1I1, Mil_House
- [NEW] Added 50 new skins/clothings ((Big Thanks to DayZ Sahrani Team!)
- [NEW] Added random skins/clothings for players spawn
- [NEW] Drinking directly from water pumps
- [NEW] Player's will now leave blood trails when bleeding (Created by Purplish, Heavily modified by Alby)
- [NEW] New weapons added: SVD Ironsight, SVD NSPU, Cheytac M200 Intervention
- [NEW] New weapons attachments models based on orginal Arma models
- [NEW] Ability to fix broken NVGoggles, GPS, Radio and Rangefider
- [NEW] Broken items: GPS, NVG, Radio, Rangefinder and Scrap Electronics added to loot tables
- [NEW] Player can now run out of Matches
- [NEW] Weather data is now saved to the database
- [NEW] Furniture and loot positions added for new buildings
- [NEW] Hunting Knife can become blunt after gutting an animal
- [NEW] New searchable objects added: ammobox/metal locker
- [NEW] Players clothes will switch after relog
- [NEW] Ladder added to International Hotel model
- [FIX] Fixed bulletproof and zombieproof trees (picea)
- [FIX] Fixed Firestation ladder glich
- [FIX] Reduced transportMaxMagazines and transportMaxWeapons in Trucks due to ArmA 2 limitations, "format" can only return 2048 characters
- [FIX] Fixed issue when players ware not able to eat/drink after joining the server, even if their status was critical
- [FIX] Zeds will now properly spawn inside buildings
- [FIX] Fixed a bug when a player combat-logs inside a a building on 1st/2nd floor and ends up inside the texture
- [FIX] Switching camera (1st/3rd person view) now works in all cases
- [FIX] Disable IR lasers on all weapons
- [FIX] Crash site's radius increased to 5km from the center of the map
- [FIX] Weapon from carry slot will be dropped on the ground on players death
- [FIX] Fixed damage for 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD ammunition (STANAG/G36 SD)
- [FIX] Fixed vehicle ammo refill
- [FIX] Stamina System simplified
- [FIX] Zeds won't agro on Air Vehicles, cousing major FPS drops. If the player was targeted on foot, Zeds will still chase him
- [FIX] Fixed 'any' from repairing vehicle cuttext
- [FIX] Added magazine model for Cheytac M200 Intervention
- [FIX] Map additions fixes (rebuilded Stary Sobor)
- [FIX] Fixed bugs in some furniture objects
- [FIX] Overall fixes and files cleanup
- [FIX] Overall loot table fixes
- [DEL] Removed some clipping original Arma/DayZ objects
- [DEL] Removed additional NWA barrack building and surrounding objects
HOTFIX - Release
- [FIX] Fixed Painkillers
- [FIX] Fixed Camera switching
- [FIX] Bleeding chance increased from 10% to 15%.
- [NEW] Loot piles lowered to only one item per pile / except weapons
- [NEW] Player's will now slowly (0.1/~2 sec) regain blood, when they are full, not injured, not infected and not tired (up to 9k blood max)
- [NEW] When eating/drinking in a vehicle, food/drinks with output (Cans, Chips, Sodas) will be added to vehicle's cargo.
- [NEW] Morphine Injection sound
- [NEW] Remote players will now recieve an on-screen message when a medical action is performed on them
- [NEW] StorageBox crafting now needs x4 Nails
- [NEW] Added ability to burn down StorageBoxes
- [NEW] New vehicles added: UAZ-DShKM and Offroad-DShKM
- [NEW] DShKM Mag. (50) ammo added to loot table
- [NEW] Added Bizon/BizonSD ammo model
- [FIX] Blocked access to inventory while performing action water filling
- [FIX] Player camera mode will return to it's initial value after he gets out of a vehicle.
- [FIX] Player camera mode will return to it's initial value after he changed clothes/model
- [FIX] Player damage chance while changing clothes fixed.
- [FIX] You cannot change clothes while wearing a backpack. This a temp solution for backpack ammo refill.
- [FIX] Player's will not be able to use certain medical action if their status doesn't require it.
- [FIX] Military Container accuracy fix
- [FIX] Added or redesigned loot pile positions for buildings: Land_stodola_old_open, Land_Mil_ControlTower, Land_a_stationhouse
- [FIX] Overall loot table fixes
- [DEL] Removed dayz_vehicles since it's useless.
- [DEL] Temporary removed hammer and lug wrench from loot table
- [NEW] st_map_auto_brightness - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17326
- [NEW] Searchable military containers added near the bunkers entrance
- [NEW] New Vehicle spawning system
- [NEW] Two bunkers (not-enterable) added in area Skalka and Black Lake
- [NEW] New weapon: Ruger Mk II
- [NEW] New vehicles added: Mountain Bike, Urals: CDF and UN Civilian, Mi-17 Civilian, VWGolf, OldTractor
- [FIX] Water Filling has been rewritten for faster execution and to fix duping.
- [FIX] Jerry Can filling exploit with more then 1 player.
- [FIX] Fixed StorageBox disappearing bug
- [FIX] Proper magazine model for Stechkin APS
- [FIX] Fixed all Hitpoints in ArmA 2 configs for Vehicles
- [FIX] Bots will always spawn on the ground instead of mid-air if the player disconnect's in combat
- [FIX] Fixed AI pilots parachuting from Heli's and triggering AH
- [FIX] Player's will no longer perform salvage/repair/inspect animations when swimming
- [FIX] Fixed model changes based on humanity values
- [FIX] Removed refueling option when near barrels and inside vehicles
- [FIX] Reedited amount of windscreen glass needed to repair helicopters: UH-1H, MH-6J
- [FIX] Kamaz and BTR auto-repair bug fixed
- [FIX] Redesign loot positions for Land_Panelak and Land_Panelak2 residential class buildings
- [FIX] Server and Client performance
- [DEL] AH-6X Littlebird
- [FIX] Player Bot's won't spawn on debug and screw up player position (ex: during login)
- [FIX] Rewritten Gear/Position/Player Status sync with Hive
- [FIX] Fixed player position not saving to Hive after getting unconscious
- [FIX] Fixed an issue when the logout timer was a decimal value (ex: 29.00001)
- [FIX] Fixed an issue with Anti TP, which sometime's reverted a Dead Body
- [FIX] Fixed G36_C_SD_eotech despawning on pickup
- [FIX] Fixed Water Filling dupe
- [FIX] Fixed Instant Full Thirst in Mounted Sots
- [NEW] Rewitten Chernarus Debris spawning system
- [NEW] Construction yard added to Lopatino
- [NEW] New loot aded to Searchable objects
- [NEW] New ammo model for Lapua Magnum
- [NEW] Added back PlantSpawner (no action yet)
- [FIX] Fixed BIS function fn_vectorAdd 0 divisor error
- [FIX] Fixed armor for StorageBox
- [FIX] Fixed AI Chinook behaviour
- [FIX] Transfusion time variables
- [FIX] Item count display for StorageBox
- [FIX] Chloroform action available on animals
- [FIX] Player's could not pickup flares and chemlights after removing the mounted Flashlight
- [FIX] Teleport revert on Mounted Vehicles
- [FIX] Tweaked player synchronization loop
- [FIX] Player's ware unable to pickup any packpas after "Another Player Near by, Only one player must be within 5 meters of a bag to pickup"
- [FIX] Lowered blood regen values for some cooked meat
- [FIX] Proper vectors for Land_Ind_IlluminantTower
- [FIX] Some server functions rewritten
- [FIX] Obsolete code cleanup
Version 0.2.7
- Urs
Changelog 0.2.7:
- New weapons: AK105, FN P90, Bushmaster ACR Black, Stechkin APS, USP, Desert Eagle
- New sight: 1P29 used in AK105 and AK107
- Added a second tent class: DomeTent
- Fireplaces now light upon creation
- Fixed description for UMP Fire modes (they ware overlapping the ammo count)
- 2 New items: Bottle of Milk and Empty Milk Bottle
- You can now milk Cows and Goats
- Fixed login process - again...
- Fixed server performance - again...
- Code cleanup from Vanilla DayZ
- 4 new skins from the Specnaz GRU Addon (see credits)
- You can now search some of the objects in the world and find loot in it.
- Added some furniture and objects to the world
- Completely new object: Vending Machine
- New MP5 SD ammo model
- Lowered the amount of animals in the world
- Fixed damage multipliers for HK UMP45 and HK UMP45 SD ammo
- Corrected the removal action for Grenade Launcher/PSO Scope on AK107 (now also AK105)
- Fixed tent placement problem (missing the "Complete Build' action)
- Removed MedBoxes from hospitals
- Lowered flight altitude on Chinook-CH47F (Heli Crash)
- More loot table fixes and balancing
Version 0.2.6
- Urs