Origins Mod, the new ARMA II mod inspired and based on highly modified version of DayZ Mod. Fight to survive in the harsh apocalyptic Taviana map, fully redesigned, making room for a wide range of new features and twisted survival elements. The world has gone to hell and you're right in the middle. There is more to life than just surviving, and now you have a purpose. What is this infection that has spread across the globe? Why are the dead walking again? Is there any hope in putting an end to this?
There is only one way to find out, grab what supplies you can and get exploring.
Version 1.8.X
- Urs
Version 1.8.2
- Urs
- Der Fehler durch Bus-Wracks zu schießen wurde behoben.
- Deutsche Übersetzung verbessert, das Spiel lässt sich nun besser auf Deutsch spielen.
- Verschiedene Dupe-Methoden behoben.
Neue Funktionen:
- Kleidungssystem hinzugefügt mit über 500 verschiedenen Kleidungsstücken,
920.000.000 verschiedene Kombinationen sind möglich, außerdem gibt es 3 verschiedene Haarfarben. - Freunde-System hinzugefügt.
- Mechanikertasche hinzugefügt.
- All-In-One Skins hinzugefügt.
- Du kannst jetzt springen, während du rennst.
- Schnellzugriff-Menü hinzugefügt.
- Primärwaffen können während des laufens getauscht werden.
- Waffenwechsel ist möglich ohne das Inventar zu öffnen.
- Bandagieren, Schmerzmittel und Morphium benutzen ohne das Inventar zu öffnen.
- Automatisch vorwärts laufen.
- In-Game Geräusche Stummschalten.
Version 1.8
- Urs
- Gaika Limousine + Schablonen.
- Colonel Zeltwagen.
- Colonel Tankwagen.
- Neue Landmasse südlich von Byelov mit maßgeschneiderten Gebäuden, Damm, U-Boot-Hafen etc.
- Über 300 neue Items (Nahrungsmittel, Getränke, Snacks, medizinisches Zubehör, Fahrzeugteile, Bücher, Werkzeuge und noch viel mehr!
- Bier, Wein und Vodka.
- Spongebob Rucksack.
- Patrick Rucksack.
- Neues Medic Skill System + zugehörige Items.
- Neues Mechanic Skill System + zugehörige Items.
- Neue Materialien.
- Neue Krankheiten.
- Möglichkeit, sich selber eine Bluttransfusion zu geben.
- Schmelzofen + zugehörige Items.
- Möglichkeit, neue Verstärkungsmaterialien mit verschiedenen Schutzeigenschaften herzustellen.
- 9 neue Nahkampfwaffen (Baseballschläger, Schraubenschlüssel, Sense, Sichel, Schwert, Hammer, Spitzhacke, Rohr, Schaufel).
- 15 neue Schusswaffen (L85A2 Holo GL, M8, M8 + M320, M8 Compact, M8 CQC, M8 Compact CCO, L110A1, M8 Sharpshooter, M8 Holo SD, L85A2 ACOG, L85A2 ACOG GL, AA-12, L7A2 GPMG, G36C SD (camo), L85A2 NVV).
- 11 neue Quests, um Fähigkeiten zu erlernen.
- Klapprad.
- Aufblasbares Boot.
- Zahlreiche neue begehbare Gebäude.
- 2 neue Leitern, um über Zäune in Lager zu klettern.
- 6 neue begehbare Fabriken.
- Neue Novistrana Polizeistation-Variante.
- Neues offenes Sägewerkgebäude.
- Neue begehbare Zerstörerschiffe (ältere Varianten wurden entfernt).
- Neue aufnehmbare Zombieteile.
- Neuer Metzger-Zombie.
- Neuer Mechaniker-Zombie.
- Winter-Kleidung.
- Maispflanzen.
- Neue Tankzüge.
- 4 neue Flugzeugwracks an den Flughäfen.
- Neues Mähdrescherwrack.
- Neues U-Bootwrack.
- Neues Buswrack.
- Muldenkipper und Großbagger.
- Neue Umgebungsgeräusche auf Taviana.
- Kreisverkehr bei Krasnoznamensk, um das Auffahren auf die Autobahn zu erleichtern.
- Bluttransfusions-System überarbeitet.
- Reparatur-System verändert + zugehörige neue Items.
- Sektor B umgestaltet.
- Loot auf Sektor B verändert.
- Neue MGs auf Sektor B.
- Tank-System umgestaltet.
- Dr. Ivan's Labor verbessert.
- Axtmodell überarbeitet.
- 2. Stock für Polizeistationen hinzugefügt.
- Polizeistationen für FPS-Verbesserungen umgestaltet.
- Militärbarracken aufpoliert.
- Temperatur-System überarbeitet.
- Hunger- und Durst-System überarbeitet.
- Wälder komplett überarbeitet (Baumanzahl im Süden Sabinas und Byelov für mehr Performance und FPS reduziert).
- Krankheitspezifische Medikamente.
- Möglichkeit, Fahrzeugteile abzuschrauben, um sie zu untersuchen.
- Schiffe in Häfen nun über provisorische Brücken erreichbar.
- Mehrere große Texturen überarbeitet und für mehr Performance herunterskaliert.
- Lootspawn-System überarbeitet.
- Möglichkeit, durch die Wände in Dr. Ivan's Labor zu schauen, behoben.
- Neue Polizeistationen in Byelov und Etanovsk.
- Gebäude in Krasnoznamensk überarbeitet.
- Falsch positionierte Eisschollen auf Novistrana richtiggestellt.
- Fenster aus einstöckigen Läden entfernt, um rein bzw. rausschießen zu können.
- Verschieden kleine Objekte in Sabina für bessere FPS entfernt.
- Anzahl an Wracks auf der Straße von Branibor nach Seven reduziert.
- Bug, dass Helikopter durch Schiffe fallen, behoben.
- Bug, dass man durch den Bahnhof in Sabina fällt, behoben.
- Problem, dass Zombies die roten Fabriken nicht mehr verlassen konnten, behoben.
- Globale FPS Optimierung: Bis zu 10 extra FPS in zuvor problematischen Gebieten (Sabina), aber auch generell mehr Performance.
- Bug, dass das FF MG nicht gerade schießt, behoben.
- Texturen zum Laden in Martin hinzugefügt.
- Verbuggtes Gras um Dr. Ivan's Labor behoben.
- Glasröhren in Dr. Ivan’s Labor entfernt.
- Bug, dass der Tunnel in Sabina die Reifen beschädigt, behoben.
- Keine fliegenden Einrichtungsgegenstände mehr.
- Bug, das man nicht durch Ecken in Dr. Ivan's Labor schießen konnte, behoben.
- Verbuggte Bodentextur in Dr. Ivan's Labor behoben.
- Bojen um Bohrinseln überarbeitet.
- Bug, dass man bei der Bot Mi-17 den Piloten nicht töten konnte, behoben.
- Eine der seitlichen MGs von der Mi-17 Cz gefixt.
- Reparaturmenue verbessert.
- Buhanka-Explosion überarbeitet.
- Anzahl an Straßenlaternen in Sabina aus Performancegründen halbiert.
- Löcher in der Begrenzung der Rennstrecke hinzugefügt.
- Gewicht der M9-Pistole von 9kg zu 0.9kg geändert.
- Bug, durch welchen man durch die Sector B Wände schauen konnte, behoben.
- Bug, bei dem Wasser in Seen geleuchtet hat, behoben.
- Wasser in Seen überarbeitet .
- Soldatenleichen auf Straßen überarbeitet und verbessert, Taviana Army Uniformen eingefügt.
- Fehlende Schatten bei Autos hinzugefügt, bei denen dieser zuvor gefehlt hat.
- Bug, durch welchen man nicht in Bimmer u.a. einsteigen konnte behoben.
- Bug, durch welchen Bots den Schrottbus nicht beschossen behoben.
- Bug, durch welchen es nicht möglich war Beifahrer in der Fähre zu erschießen behoben.
- Durch den Boboden fallen im Sabina Casino behoben.
- Bug, durch welchen man durch Wände in Schule in Nord Branibor gehen konnte, behoben.
- Bug, bei welchem ein Helikopter das Dach vom Trebylanka Kraftwerk nicht erkannt hat behoben.
- Bug, durch welchen man durch Wände in Schule in Treblyanka NPP gehen konnte, behoben.
- Schwarze Texturen bei Zäunen in Molotovsk und Lyubol behoben.
- Zombies, welche nicht in den Vladislav TV Turm gingen und Schatten-Fehler behoben.
- Bug, durch welchen man durch die Brückenpfeiler in Novistrana schwimmen konnte, behoben.
- Bug durch welchen man durch manche Krankenhauswände gehen konnte, behoben.
- Bug, durch welchen man sich im Dach vom grauen Hotel verstecken konnte, behoben.
- Bug, durch welchen man in einen Raum im Bürogebäude glitchen konnte, behoben.
- Krumme Schienen in Sabina entfernt.
- Fehlende Texturen, fliegende Objekte etc im Sabina Museum überarbeitet.
- Fehlende Textur in Sabina Bank hinzugefügt.
- Bug, bei welchem man im Scrap Buggy nicht als Beifahrer einsteigen konnte, behoben.
- Unsichtbare Wand im Sabina Parlamentsgebäude entfernt.
- Fehlende Schienen bei der Bratislav Brücke hinzugefügt.
- Unbetretbare/ungünstig positionierte Container in den Häfen angepasst.
- Problem mit Mülleimern in Bar in Sevastopol behoben.
- Obshironsk Straßenschild zu Aphshironsk geändert.
- Rechtschreibfehler auf Slavyansk Straßenschild behoben.
- Fehlende Texturen auf Grabsteinen hinzugefügt.
- Bug, dass manche Fahrzeuge nach Beschädigung nicht absackten, behoben.
- Bug, dass der Gunner im Scrap Bus nach 100m nicht mehr zu sehen war, behoben.
- Löcher in Zaun um Krasnozamensk hinzugefügt.
- Falsche Bluttexturen überarbeitet.
- Bug, dass man durch Wände im Lyepestok Krankenhaus laufen konnte, behoben.
- Missing texture Bug behoben.
- Verschiedene Bodenverschiebungen in Sabina behoben.
- Bug, dass man neben dem Fahrstuhl im Sabina Einkaufscenter in der Luft schwebt, behoben.
- Unsichtbares Haus in Grushnoye entfernt.
- Wrack am Anfang der KRK Inselstraße entfernt.
- Einsteig-Bug bei Taviander behoben.
- Bug, dass keine Upgrade-Möglichkeit bei Zäunen erschien, behoben.
- Bug, dass man keine Mitglieder zur Stronghold hinzufügen konnte, behoben.
- Bug, dass man die letzte Stage der Garage nicht bauen konnte, behoben.
- Bug, dass man durch Pfeiler der KRK Insel Brücke laufen konnte, behoben.
- Fliegende Straßenbegrenzungen um Lyepestok entfernt.
- Unpassende Schattenmodelle überarbeitet.
- Falsche Bodentextur in Dalnogorsk Hangars entfernt.
- Bug, dass man durch Wände im Parlamentsgebäude in Sabina laufen konnte, behoben.
- Feuerwache in Sevastopol gesenkt, um Beinbrüchen vorzubeugen.
- Toilette an der Straße von Lypestok nach Ovisoy entfernt, um dort Lager bauen zu können.
- Fliegende Partikel für bessere Performance entfernt.
- Bäume aus der Kirche in Alexander entfernt.
- Bessere Performance in Alexander.
- Unebenheiten und versunkene Gebäude in Kameni überarbeitet.
- Fehlende Texturen der Treppen bei Helfenburg hinzugefügt.
- Büsche bei Alexander für bessere Performance entfernt.
- Verschwinden von Objekten hinter Fenstern/Türen mancher Gebäude behoben.
- Rechtschreibung mancher Items angepasst.
- Gewicht mancher Items angepasst.
- Namen diverser Stencils berichtigt.
- Kamaz Transporter zu Beast umbenannt.
- Urs
Humanity system revised. When player dies the following number of humanity is deducted from them:
- Hero level 1 -200
- Hero level 2 -500
- Hero level 3 -800
- Hero level 4 -800
If your humanity as a hero exceeds 35000, 1800 humanity will be deducted from you when you die.
- Bandit level 1 +300
- Bandit level 2 +600
- Bandit level 3 +600
- Bandit level 4 +800
If your humanity as a bandit exceeds -35000, 1800 humanity will be added to you when you die.
Humanity not being updated after killing a certain amount of zombies issue resolved.
Base building fence models optimized to improve performance.
Distribution of humanity when killing players fixed.
Distribution of humanity when killing zombies:
- Hero level 1 - for killing 15 zombies +225 humanity.
- Hero level 2 - for killing 15 zombies +120 humanity.
- Hero level 3 - for killing 15 zombies +45 humanity.
- Hero level 4 - for killing 15 zombies 0 humanity.
- Bandit level 1 - for killing 15 zombies +75 humanity.
- Bandit level 2 - for killing 15 zombies +75 humanity.
- Bandit level 3 - for killing 15 zombies +75 humanity.
- Bandit level 4 - for killing 15 zombies 0 humanity.
SUV Special capacity changed to 100/10/5
Changed spawn positions of Sector B Urals
Quest bug fixes:
In the “Danger in the mountain” quest issue with sniper not appearing immediately issue resolved.
In the “Novi Bot siege” quest the bot from the restaurant has been moved inside the restaurant.
In the “Helicrash” quest the lighthouse issue has been resolved. The bot and crate now appear in the windmill.
Other minor bug fixes.
- Ability to transport vehicles on land.
- Ability to transport vehicles on sea.
- New house: Mansion (Level 4).
- New Level 4 hero/bandit class.
- Ability to reinforce base building gates.
- 2 new loading screens.
- 7 new level 4 skins added.
- Weight added to the description of objects.
- Quest descriptions localised to Russian and German.
- 16 new weapons with custom sounds:
- AEK-971
- AEK-971 assault rifle.
- AEK-971 assault rifle with GP-34 grenade launcher.
- AEK-971 assault rifle with 1P78 scope.
- AEK-971 assault rifle with 1P63 collimator sight.
- AEK-971 assault rifle with GP-34 grenade launcher and 1P63 collimator sight.
- AEK-971 assault rifle with 1PN100 day
ight scope. - AEK-971 assault rifle with TGP-A suppressor and ZLN-1K IR laser aiming device.
- AEK-973
- AEK-973s assault rifle.
- AEK-973s assault rifle with GP-34 grenade launcher.
- AEK-973s assault rifle with 1P78 scope.
- AEK-973s assault rifle with 1P63 collimator sight.
- AEK-973s assault rifle with GP-34 grenade launcher and 1P63 collimator sight.
- AEK-973s assault rifle with 1PN100 day
ight scope. - Desert Eagle
- Desert Eagle Silver
- Desert Eagle Gold
- 7 new vehicles:
- ZAZ968M
- Taviander
- Buhanka
- Bimmer M3
- Maniac Truck
- Beast
- Scrap Ferry
- 36 new stencils
- Inventory size of new vehicles:
- Magazines/Weapons/backpacks
- ZAZ968M 50/5/3
- Taviander 75/5/5
- Buhanka 100/10/10
- Bimmer M3 50/5/3
- Maniac Truck 150/15/10
- Beast 100/15/5
- Scrap Ferry 120/15/5
Version 1.7.9
- Urs
- Fahrzeuge können nun verschlossen werden
- 37 neue Schablonen hinzugefügt (auch für Helicopter und AN2)
- Tauschhändler hinzugefügt
- 4 neue Wachtürme wurden hinzugefügt
- Upgrade für den Erdwall Zaun hinzugefügt
- Neues Gewichtssystem hinzugefügt
- Neue Spawnpunkte für Fahrzeuge
- Neue Gebiete auf Taviana wurden hinzugefügt
- M2 Maschinengewehr für Land Rover hinzugefügt
- Neue Arten von beschädigten Fahrzeugen (Wracks)
- Hinweise mit der Menge der Materialien die ihr benötigt, um Objekte zu erstellen oder Fahrzeuge anzupassen (Rechts in der Ecke erscheint ein kleines Fenster)
Bug Fixes
- Land Rover kann nun gefärbt werden
- Sound beim Einsteigen in den Land Rover angepasst
- Uzi SD Grafikbug behoben
- Viele Bugs auf Taviana wurden behoben
- Bug mit den Rucksackslots wurde behoben
- Der Bildschirm verfärbt sich nur noch, wenn man sehr wenig Blut hat
Gameplay-Änderungen, Balance und Verbesserungen:
- Neu gestaltete Karte
- Optimierungen an allen großen Städten
- Optimierte Landschaft
- Die meisten Gebäude wurden optimiert
- Einige Bäume wurden optimiert
- Kürzeres Gras, bessere FPS
- Die meisten Schutthaufen auf den Straßen wurden entfernt
- Komponenten von Server und Client wurden optimiert
- Urs
Origins Mod Change Log
New Features:
- Added multiple quests/missions which can be received using the PDA and completed in order to receive a reward. (More missions to be added in next patch too)
- Added ability to carry and switch between two primary weapons.
- Added PDA Elektronika loot to receive quests.
- Added medkit box which adds 6 extra slots to inventory.
- Added police vest which reduces the damage received by 35%.
- Added military vest which reduces the damage received by 45%.
- Added Special Forces vest which reduces the damage received by 55%.
- Added kevlar plates for use in vests.
- Added steel plates for use in vests.
- Added ceramic plates for use in vests.
- Uni-Copter reinforcement added.
- Approximately 30 new enterable buildings in military bases added.
- Added US HMMVW.
- Added new Czech Mi-171Sh helicopter.
- Added RHIB with M2 machinegun.
- Ability to kill zombies by running them over by car.
Bug Fixes:
- Female bandit skin issues with different colour left arm issue resolved.
- Stretching/weird line issues with female ghillie suits resolved. (To be monitored until next patch).
- Ability to walk through gym wall in schools issue resolved.
- Shoes visible from bottom when walking in elector nests issue resolved.
- Ability to walk through gym wall in schools on Sector B issue resolved.
- Invisible walls in Sven, Sector B etc… hotel on ground issue resolved.
- Various stretching and weird lines appearing on zombies issue resolved. (To be monitored until next patch).
- Issue with Level 3 houses, wall/door between house and garage disappearing issue resolved.
- Obstructive convoy wrecks in Kryvozhopol moved to the side for easier passing through.
- Issues with vehicles not being able to exit the stronghold resolved. (To be monitored until next patch).
- Falling out through windows in Level 2 electro nest issue resolved.
- Out of place train track segment in forest near Biysk (061, 082) removed.
- Items disappearing from house/fortress inventory issue resolved.
- Not able to run around boxes in stronghold issue resolved.
- Breaking legs when exiting from excavator operator position.
- Zombies not being able to walk in to some buildings issues resolved.
- Sabina laboratory bots falling through walls/floor issue resolved.
- Sabina laboratory bots spinning on one spot issue resolved.
- Sabina laboratory not able to shoot trough certain doors issue resolved.
- Watch tower blinking black issue resolved.
- Falling through on 2nd floor of red factory issue resolved.
- Yellow house in Postojna sunk in ground issue resolved.
- Ability to walk through walls in Martin Church issue resolved.
- Flying tires in Grushnoe port removed.
- Shading issues with large Sabina and Martin church resolved.
- Flying container in Molotovsk port issue resolved.
- Sunken car and fences around houses opened in Martin.
- More holes made in Byelov church fence.
- More holes made in Byelov fire station fence.
- Floating school in Martin issue resolved.
- Shed in Kameni lowered a little bit.
- Misplaced road reflectors near trees around Helfenburk castle removed.
- Traffic sign lodged in fence in Ekaterinburg fixed.
- Duplicate trees in Kameni removed.
- Tents in Dalnogorsk sunk in ground issue resolved.
- Missing pillars on Vladimir bridge issue resolved.
- Zombies walking in trough floor of big shop in Sabina, Sevastopol, Sector B etc… issue resolved.
- Zombies walking through floor of big ‘Zakupak’ shopping centre in Sabina, Krasnoznamen’sk, Branibor issue resolved.
- Ability to walk through side of ‘Zakupak’ shopping centre in Krasnoznamen’sk issue resolved.
- Missing texture issue on top of Novistrana bridge towers issue resolved.
- Shadow issue with tower in Vladimir resolved.
- Falling through floor behind curtains in Sabina parliament issue resolved.
- Flying bush near Bijsk issue resolved.
- Misplaced chair behind Vladimir pub issue resolved.
- Zombies walking through the floor of many buildings issue resolved.
- 3rd person camera passing through ceiling on second floor of Vladimir tower issue resolved.
- Male Police officer stronghold skin stretching fingers issues in far LODs issue resolved.
- Extra holes made in Shtangrad Church fence.
- Flying furniture in police stations issue resolved.
- Ability to roll in to walls of Southern Branibor and Vladimir hospital issue resolved.
- More holes in fences made in Komarovo.
- Water tunnels under Sabina lab misalignment issues resolved.
- More holes in East Sabina fences.
- Sunken house near Sevastopol resolved.
- Ability to glitch in to walls of Sevastopol hospital issue resolved.
- Bots shooting trough Sector B walls issue resolved.
- Sector B towers roadway problem/breaking legs/cannot enter etc... resolved.
- Female bandit skin strange texture on blue skirt issue resolved.
- Sea and waves sound volume lowered by 70% (will be monitored and adjusted further in future patches).
- Zombies and loot appearing INSTANTLY when entering a tow/city.
- Server performance improved.
- Loot of Sabina lab doctors refreshed.
- Number of wrecks on highway between Bilgrad Na Moru, Krasnoznamen’sk, Mitrovice and Branibor reduced.
- Unicopter inventory increased to 100 items, 10 weapons and 3 backpacks.
- Sound added when consuming pain killers.
- Sound added when using morphine.
- Sound added when using Epinephrine.
- Sound added when using blood bag.
- US/UN base on Novistrana expanded, new tents with loot added.
- Praga copter speed increased to 160km/h.
- Zombies can now enter fortress ground floor.
- Uni-Copter speed increased to 160 knots.
- Ability to climb on to roof of square blocks of flats in Sabina, Branibor etc...
- Green houses in Kameni replaced with red enterable houses.
- Fire geometry re-made in ‘Zakupak’ nearSabina train station.
- Walking surface sounds added to various buildings, wood, tiles etc...
- Zombies can now walk through yellow houses in Byelov.
Backpack inventory size increases:
- Czech Backpack size increased to24 slots, 6 weapons slots.
- ALICE Pack size increased to 24 slots, 6 weapons slots.
- Elephant Bag (Blue) size increased to 20 slots, 4 weapons slots.
- Elephant Bag (Black) size increased to 20 slots, 4 weapons slots.
- Bear Bag size increased to 20 slots, 4 weapons slots.
- Girls Bag (Dora) size increased to 16 slots, 3 weapons slots.
- School Bag (Owl) size increased to 16 slots, 3 weapons slots.
- Assault Pack (ACU) size increased to 16 slots, 3 weapons slots.
- Patrol Pack (coyote) size increased to 16 slots, 3 weapons slots.
- Bad boy bag size increased to 16 slots, 3 weapons slots.
Avtomat Kalahnikov family damage increased by 10% to make it equal to M16, M4 etc… This includes the following weapons:
Version 1.7.8
- Urs
- Introduction of underwater gameplay
- Added Ladder on side of battleships to enable access from water.
- Added Reinforced fence gate
- New portion of Novistrana Island added
- Taviana / Novistrana New Enterable Factories added
- Taviana / Novistrana new enterable buildings
- Nested Buildings, "Electro Nest" hero and bandit levels added
- Customization : Ability to paint all vehicles
- Customization : - Ability to apply special designs to selected to vehicles using stencils
- Customization : Ghillie suit surrounding environment camouflage customization
- US Army/UN base added to Novistrana
- Added lone wolf Safes
- Added New variety of civilian backpacks, new school backpacks
- Lone wolf 1 seat Unicopter added.
- Survivor made Nautilus submarine added.
- Aggressive SUV with machine gun added.
- Kamaz truck added.
- Ka60 helicopter added.
- HC3 Merlin helicopter added.
GAMEPLAY Changes, Balances and improvements:
- Tank garages in Zuta Gora barracks moved apart to prevent abuse.
- Stronghold clan members can now keep their houses, build new houses.
- Survivors heroes and bandits can now demolish their own houses for reallocation or adopting new nested buildings.
- Bandaging: Ability to move or run from danger cancelling bandaging process
- Fences need to be maintained, otherwise they disappear after 15 days.
- Surrender action moved to number 0 button, can be changed in controls settings.
- AH6X engine sound now heard at 200 meters.
- MHJ engine sound now heard at 200 meters.
- Littlebird engine sound now heard at 100 meters.
- Changing seats in helicopter mechanics improved.
- Gatling Capri speed and durability tweaked.
- Houses cannot be penetrated with normal machine guns.
- Jerry can now only occupies 3 inventory slots.
- Mossing rifle damage buffed.
- Scrap APC inventory reduced to 70 magazines, 15 weapons and 6 backpacks.
- Praga Copter inventory reduced to 50 magazines, 10 weapons, 5 backpacks.
- Praga Copter speed reduced.
- Ability to add ammunition to helicopter machineguns
- Tents can be permanently destroyed with hatchets.
- Wooden fences can be permanently destroyed with hatchets.
Bug Fixes
- Fences/watchtowers disappearing after 15 days issue fixed.
- Inventory accessible from outside of level 1 bandit house issue fixed.
- 1.7.7 Stronghold issue inventory bugged preventing it from being finished issue fixed.
- Stronghold stages disappearing issue fixed.
- Ability to bypass 10 second abort timer fixed.
- Stronghold stages disappearing issue fixed.
- Back wall of stronghold missing when viewed from distance issue fixed.
- Dr. Ivan excessive spawning issue fixed.
- Wobbly fire truck movement fixed.
- "pack tent" when packing a storage box issue fixed.
- Watchtower flickering with black colour from distance issue fixed.
- Lublin truck getting stuck on Bratislav bridge issue fixed.
- Scrap bus getting stuck on Bratislav bridge issue fixed.
- Rodina missing engine on bonnet issue fixed.
- Flying loot in school building issue fixed.
- Not able to shoot trough police station, bar and school windows issue fixed.
- Various stretching issues on stronghold clan skins fixed.
- Barracks on island Piran inside ground issue fixed.
- Cables removed from electric poles.
- Missing collision around fence on the front of big garage issue fixed.
- Glitch in light house on island Kres issue fixed.
- Electric pylons near Bratislav bridge fixed.
- Sunken house in Postojna issue fixed.
- Sunken tents in Dalnogorsk issue fixed.
- Glitch in battleships issue fixed, helicopters can land / take off safely, player does not fall trough.
- Quarry not working in Novistrana issue fixed.
- Users of ArmA X Anniversary edition are now able to construct all kinds of houses/fences/strongholds
New materials and loot
- Stencils
- Spray cans
- Crane
- Short planks
- Long planks
- Scrap connector
- Aluminium
- Chipboard
- Light bulbs
- Screws
- Metal supports
- Reinforced wood
New tools:
New Weapons:
Version 1.7.7
- Urs
Neben etlichen neuen Features wird es neue Fahrzeuge geben sowie Waffen. Eins der neuen und hoffentlich wesentlichen Aspekte wird das Ori-Buildingsscript sein. Welches nach und nach erweitert werden soll. Erstmalig wird es möglich sein seine Häuser oder Strongholds bauen von Verteidigungsanlagen wie z.b Erdwälle oder Türme zu schützen.
Unterstützt werdet ihr von richtiger Man Power aka Bernd der Baggerfahrer.
Richtig, es wird einen Bagger in Origins geben. Dieser kann nicht nur bauen sondern auch Zombies killen und Zelte zerstören. Allerdings benötigt ihr dazu jeweils einen fähigen Fahrer und einen Operator.
(Einer fährt - Der andere steuert die Schaufel).
Wo und wie oft dieser spawnt ist unklar.
Die fliegende Festung
Neben Dr.Ivan der aktuell sporadisch sein Unwesen treibt, wird es im neuen Patch einen Kontrahenten geben.
Say hello to Professor Vlad
Dieser zeigt euch direkt was er auf dem Kasten hat und bietet euch sein erstes Meisterwerk an.
Die fliegende Festung! Bestehend aus div. Teilen flugunfähiger Maschinen.
Die Festung ist ausgelegt tagelang in der Luft zu bleiben und euch dank des riesigen Stauraums mit Essen und Trinken zu versorgen. Es soll sogar möglich sein Fahrzeuge damit zu transportieren.
Auch habt ihr die Möglichkeit Angriffe damit abzuwehren - Dank der Bewaffnung.
Allerdings benötigt diese Raffinesse mehr Wartung als so manch Origins Fahrzeug.
Solltet ihr durch einen Angriff Schaden erleiden wird dies durch einen Alarm mitgeteilt.
Dann solltet ihr umgehend landen und den Schaden beheben!
Survival Interaction
Es möglich sein sich zu ergeben. D.h ihr legt eure Waffe automatisch ab. Und ergebt euch!
Dein Gegner hat zumal die Möglichkeit dich zu Fesseln.
Solltet ihr als Gefangener über ein Messer verfügen, könnt ihr natürlich versuchen zu entkommen.
Dies bringt ein neues Item ins Spiel.
Das Seil!
VH20 Armbrust Gewehr sowie die Mini VH.
Beide Waffen benötigen Bolzen zum verschießen.
Diese bekommt ihr in drei Variationen
- Steel Bolts (leise Zombies töten)
- Tranquilizer Bolts (Schießt eure Gegner damit bewusstlos)
- Epi Bolts (damit könnt ihr eure Gefangen wecken)
Moar Power - Dies Pumpe hilft euch im Kampf gegen Zombies oder im Close Combat Areas
Armor piercing Kalashnikov
Gepimpte Version der Ak47 - passend mit Grip zum besseren händeln der Waffe.
Stronghold Update
Leider keine nützliche Erweiterung doch ein "nettes" Feature
Eure Guilde/Corp/Clan hat jetzt die Auswahl zwischen 6 verschiedene Outfits
5 männliche Outfits und 1 weiblichen neuen Skin. More coming soon.
Added / New:
- Survivors Camp: Home of professor Vlad
- Hidden locations / 1800 new loot spawn points
- Dynamic Rare loot spawns – Rare loot now dynamically spawns in random locations
- Abandoned old Bunkers now spawn rare loots items. – 50 % chances using the new Dynamic rare loot system.
- New Republic of Novistrana. ( Read release notes for more info )
- Added Tons of new enterable buildings. ( Read release notes for more info )
- Added/New functionality Radios. ( Read release notes for more info )
- Added OriActions : New Player interactions module ( Read release notes for more info )
- Added OriConstructions 0.7 – New building mechanic for new elements
- Added Construction excavator vehicle.
- Added NDE’s (Near Death Experience) effects -( Read release notes for more info )
- Added Professor Vlad Mega machine invention. ( Read release notes for more info )
- Updated S.A.S.F 4.2 – Sector B ( Read release notes for more info )
- Updated OriZombie 1.2
- Added : VH20/25 Crossbow ( Read release notes for more info )
- Added : MiniVH Crossbow – Multiple Bolts types. ( Read release notes for more info )
- New loot spawn positions / New loot spawn positions on roofs added.
- Added 48 slot Explorer backpack.
- Added civilian handbags and backpacks. ( different slot sizes )
- Added female handbags and backpacks.( different slot sizes )
- Added Adventurer backpack added (56 slots).
- Burning Smoke and destroyed rotors on helicopters when damaged.
- Improved turning in the scrap bus.
- New Female zombie sounds added.
- New Mutated creatures added- attacks both Zombies and Humans.
- New : Ability to construct 3 types of fences.
- New : Buildable watchtower added.
- Ability to switch between pilot, passenger and gunner in helicopters whilst flying.
- New ZX76 shotgun added.
- New Armor piercing camouflaged Kalashnikov added.
- Changed Spawn locations for Helicopters / Boats to more remote locations.
- GPS not working on map Fixed.
- Fixed map coordinates.
- Shiny roads issue on Taviana Island Fixed.
- Blurry segments of roads on Taviana Fixed.
- Appearing inside tent/house after sleeping inside and re-logging-in to the server issue fixed.
- Khrushchevka block houses textures improved.
- Female ghillie suit backpacks removed.
- Cannot see gun sights in female ghillie suit issue Fixed.
- Road light reflector poly count reduced by 50% to improve performance.
- Misplaced objects in Lyepestok police station Fixed.
- Capri 69, windshield appearing with side window when in 1st person view issue Fixed.
- Capri 69 issue where 7th passenger appears under the vehicle Fixed.
- Capri 69 cannot cross bridge issue Fixed.
- Scrap Bus sounds fixed.
- Scrap Bus repaired wheels fixed.
- Missing textures on shop in Martin Fixed.
- Missing geometry on shop in Martin Fixed.
- Not being able to land helicopter on roof of Martin shop issue Fixed.
- Geometry issues in Houses that could be walked through in Seven area fixed.
- Ability to walk through the wall in the race track seat stand fixed.
- Bridges damaging vehicle wheels in Sabina issue Fixed.
- Police station windows could not be shot through issue Fixed.
- Ability to hide inside advertising column on streets issue Fixed.
- Not being able to fire tough bar building windows issue Fixed.
- Not being able to shoot trough school windows issue Fixed.
- Not being able to land helicopter on ships issue Fixed.
- Ability to walk through bus depot walls in Lyepestok Fixed.
- Ability to tip over road barricade and hide inside issue Fixed.
- Ability to crawl in to hospital walls issue Fixed.
- Car wrecks have been optimised to improve performance.
- Various performance tweaks.
- Trash on Lada 2105 roof disappearing in distance issue Fixed.
- Bandit Level 3 house garage not appearing in every different settings issue Fixed.
- Houses flashing black issue Fixed.
- Reinforcement material standing bad and too flat issue Fixed.
- Tower removed on the Titanic to allow for better mobility.
- Zombies not able to walk through concrete in Branibor issue fixed.
- Loot items spawning badly rotated and out of place issue Fixed.
- convex component .rpt error messages in oil rigs issue Fixed.
- convex component .rpt error messages in Martin shopping centre issue Fixed.
- Not being able to destroy wheels on scrap bus issue Fixed.
- Scrap Bus issues and blances Fixed.
- House names too long, preventing amount of space in inventory from being seen Fixed.
- Stronghold name too long, preventing amount of space in inventory from being seen Fixed.
- Some Vehicle names too long, preventing amount of space in inventory from being seen Fixed.
- Helicopter jumping when landing on shop in Martin issue Fixed.
- Backpacks removed from female ghillie suits to reduce visibility.
- Female skins improved to reduce visibility. (Will be continually improved in future patches).
- Inventory GUI improved to make items easier to see.
- Backpack inventory background improved to improve visibility of items and slots.
Version 1.7.6
- Urs
Important Gameplay Changes:
The introduction of OriZombies 1.0 with new dynamic zombie spawns system:
Back to the basics of zombie apocalypse survival gameplay, in 1.7.6 zombie are real threat more than ever, creating noise walking or running carelessly across the streets will attract more zombies.
Pick your fights carefully with other players, zombies are now more attracted to gunfire and sounds on larger range and will keep coming unless you hide out of sight.
- Now zombies are more dangerous aggressive in attacking humans.
- Zombies are or sensitive and attracted to noise and gunfire.
Once Human! : The undead are now reflecting the local inhabitants and citizens of Taviana before the outbreak this means you will encounter fire fighters, doctors, engineers , escaped prisoners and convicts, gangsters, post man, mechanic, social workers, scientists, farmers, grave diggers, Iron workers, paramedics , tourists and much more…
Female Bandit/Hero ghillie suit: Female Characters can now wear ghillie and camo suits
Sabina museum: Founding Clans Wall Added to honour the founding clans (1.7.6) Clans will be able to add choose their own clan logo on houses and stronghold ( 1.8 )
Storage and Capacity: Gear capacity now displays the amount of space available in vehicles, houses cars, etc….
Gatling Capri 69 : Classic Capri 69 with automatic Gatling gun ( Rare spawn- can be reinforced )
Rodina 62 : The Classic Rodina - Fuel Transport truck ( Rare spawn – can be reinforced ) can store and transport over 300 litters of fuel to any location in Taviana, You will need to mount fuel hose ( new item found in industrial buildings ) and connected to other car/bus/boat or heli to transfer fuel from the storage barrels to the target. Rodina can also be re-fuelled in the Gas stations using the same mechanic with fuel containers.
Sector B : Salvation city received more gameplay balance and tweaks to balance Risks Vs rewards elements. Sector B rewards now include but not limited to more Rare Weapons, Rare Ammo and more CB’s !
Day & Night cycle : Now it will be the same experience across all servers with longer day cycle and shiny moonlight nights.
Moving Fortress : Scrap bus now has a movable platform with machine gun (can be raised/lowered).
Bug fixes & Improvements:
- Fixed: Players to roll and glitch through stronghold gate.
- Fixed: Glitching inside the stronghold tower behind the church.
- Fixed: Level 2 hero female units loosing backpacks upon re-connecting.
- Fixed: Flying loot in schools and apartment blocks issue resolved.
- Fixed: Not being able to use ladder on water towers.
- Fixed: House loot duping exploit.
- Fixed: #21,#22,#23,#24, #57, #56, #75 Restriction random kick errors.
- Fixed : Wrecks and debris appearing suddenly for slower PC’s while driving.
- Fixed: Trash piles in Sabina causing players to get stuck.
- Fixed: Ability to glitch inside Lenin’s foot in Sabina.
- Fixed: Geometry issues in Sabina gallery, bus stands and bars.
- Fixed: Not being able to get back on the platform in Sabina train station resolved.
- Fixed: Flickering brown buildings in Krasnoznamen’sk and other cities resolved.
- Fixed: Zombies not being able to access the police station.
- Fixed: Missing fence segments in some houses in Byelov resolved.
- Fixed: Not being able to use ladders on apartment blocks.
- Fixed: Falling through the battle ships in some areas.
- Fixed: Loot spawn in Kameni warehouse covered by ground.
- Fixed: Office building positioning in Kameni causing players to break their legs.
- Fixed: Body Gear duping exploit.
- Fixed: Rare invisibility glitch.
- Fixed: Stari Dvor military base disappearing and reappearing on different draw distance settings.
- Fixed: Ability in to walk under factory in Kameni.
- Fixed: Misplaced objects inside the construction site in Kameni.
Other Improvements and fixes:
- Storage Capacity for all Houses, Strongholds, Cars, tents now appear.(#Weapons/#Items/#BP's)
- Character stories redone to in preparation for the new skill system coming in next updates.
- Grey apartment blocks, water towers and other buildings now have working ladders, opening a vast new dimension to urban combat and stealth dynamics.
- All debris, wrecks and objects improved to lower the system load for PC’s allowing more smooth game play.
- Map completely retouched, adding new vehicle wrecks to roads, urban areas and buildings for the more emersion during game play.
- Humanity counter re-added.
- Wrecks added to military bases for more immersive game play.
- FPS improvements in houses and stronghold.
- Removed on screen white markers.
- GUI reworked, Origins theme added in preparation for future releases:
* Main menu completely redone
* Gear menu redone
* Multiplayer lobby redone and simplified
- Server list lobby redone
- New mouse cursor.
- Trams added to Sabina. Might or might not be used in future updates.
- re-added Taviana Ghost, yes a Ghost and the urban legend is true , one of the buildings in taviana is being haunted by one ghost, appears only at night , be the 1st top post a screenshot in the Secrets & tips and hints section.
Version 1.7.5
- Urs