DaRT - A Lightweight DayZ RCon Tool
- Connecting to your server via RCon
- Showing you server console (including chat and join/leave messages)
- Showing you player list
- Showing you ban list
- See what country players come from
- Auto refresh
- Enables you to report players to DaRTBans (read more below)
- Creating a local player database
- Kicking, GUID Banning, IP Banning, Offline Banning with just 2 clicks
- Writing in global chat
- Using console (incase you still want to enter commands)
- Talking to players
- Copy player informations
- Search through players
- Reload scripts (server-side)
- GameTracker integration
- And more
GitHub - DomiStyle/DaRT: A Lightweight DayZ (and ArmA) RCon Tool
A Lightweight DayZ (and ArmA) RCon Tool. Contribute to DomiStyle/DaRT development by creating an account on GitHub.
Version 2.2
- Urs
- New TAB in Settings Menu called "Announcers".
- Login/Logout feed announcement option. (This function can work for anyone, this does not require any special setup).
- Kill feed announcement option (using the new internal ADM file reader - NOTE: this requires running on the server or a LAN system with direct access to the file over the network).
- New Logo
- Removed banners (as they do not work when connecting inside LAN anyway)
- Removed link for DaRT 2.1
Version 2.1
- Urs
DART 2.1 Changelog:
Version 2.0
- Urs
DART 2.0 Changelog:
- [NEW] Complete rewrite of player/ban request
- [NEW] Geolocating is now done locally (fixes flags!)
- [NEW] Updated BattleNET version
- [NEW] Changed to Mono.Data.Sqlite for database access (Linux compatible)
- [NEW] Database format changed (DaRT will automatically migrate your data)
- [NEW] Colors can now be enabled/disabled for chat/filters in all tab
- [NEW] Changed settings layout (now featuring tabs)
- [NEW] Domains are now supported when connecting
- [NEW] Added credits to settings
- [NEW] You can now use your name for admin calls too
- [NEW] You can now set the player/ban request ticks (less = faster requests, higher chance for timeout; higher = slower request, higher chance of success on slow servers)
- [NEW] Split flash window and highlight admin calls setting
- [NEW] Split player connect setting and show connect messages
- [NEW] Removed reconnect checkbox (will now automatically reconnect)
- [NEW] General code cleanup
- [NEW] Slightly resized main window to prevent graphical glitches
- [NEW] Minimal width of window is now smaller to fit common server resolutions
- [NEW] Added option to show debug messages (makes finding uncommon problems easier)
- [NEW] Maximal input length of messages/commands is now 400 characters
- [NEW] Made character limit visible with counter
- [NEW] Made all colors slightly darker to increase readability
- [NEW] Added command chat as own chat type
- [NEW] Log queue instead of disabling auto scroll
- [NEW] DaRTBans was removed in order to maintain support for ArmA 3
- [NEW] Tooltips for settings
- [NEW] Added option to clear expired bans
- [NEW] Added a log buffer (This can be used in later versions to show a history for certain users, not used atm)
- [NEW] All filters can now be modified via the settings
- [NEW] You can now set custom filters in the settings to do client side filtering of all the script/event logs that come in
- [FIX] Deadlock on connect
- [FIX] Reconnect is now properly working
- [FIX] Poor database performance
- [FIX] Crash on connect
- [FIX] Crash on refresh
- [FIX] Duplicate messages
- [FIX] Auto refresh getting stuck
- [FIX] Fixed issue that caused packet ids to be assigned multiple times resulting in timeouts
- [FIX] Multiple threading issues causing disconnects
- [FIX] Automatic refreshes on player join/leave won't disable timed refreshes anymore
- [FIX] Sometimes logging in twice
- [FIX] Disconnect issue on fast player join (server desync)
- [FIX] Auto refresh counter now properly updates all the time
- [FIX] Sped up message filtering to prevent desyncing and disconnects
- [FIX] Delayed refresh on join to prevent GUID from not being logged (was triggered too early for GUID to load)
- [FIX] Refresh on join/leave will now also triger for kicks
- [FIX] User-agent being shown incorrectly because of encoding
- [FIX] Removed unecessary threads
- [FIX] Removed "brute-force" requests with a more elegant approach
- [FIX] Disconnect when using global chat for long messages
- [FIX] Disconnect when sending messages too fast
- [FIX] DaRT not logging to file properly
- [FIX] Fixed auto scroll not working (now replaced with queue)
- [FIX] Auto refresh on player join not working when disabling join messages
- [FIX] Settings will not be applied anymore if settings window is just closed
Version 1.0.1
- Urs