Enviroment & Effects
# [ADDED] Almost all in game sounds have been replaced including brand new sound effects for new actions (see below), enviroment, ambience, weapons etc.
# [ADDED] #New lighting system produces much more "eery" lighting effects. Each INDIVIDUAL bulb can be shot out.
# [ADDED] #New Zombie Classes - Fully Custom Skins - New SFX that don't sound like a demented cat are in the works.
# [ADDED] #Post-Apocolyptic colour effects that dynamically change depending on time of day.
# [ADDED] #New SFX for all new features (see below)
# [ADDED] #New Ambient SFX which differs greatly depending on Time of Day/Location
# [ADDED] #Over 800 ours of Map Editing - Some of the most creative ever for a DayZ Mod.
### Fuel Stations, fortified by the Military in an attempt to preserve the most valuble resource. (Currently 4 in total)
### The Prison, the most ammbitious project thus far. Over 9000 items in total. Huge rewards, Huge risk!
### The Military Stronghold - The last attempt by UN Forces to stem the infection, their last outpost remains.
### Chernogorsk re-designed.
### Bolota Airfield - re-designed.
### New Town, West of Kamenka Village
### Hidden Areas in Towns and Cities containing Survivor Strongholds
### Many interior items have been added to builings/areas across the map, to aid the ability to "Search" (See below)
### "Cleansing Centre" - Buildings created by the Military when the infection took hold to detain and treat the infected. These buildings contain the key to
curing the infection. They also contain some amazing loot!
Features & Actions
# [ADDED] # New Search/Harvest Function allow players to also hunt around more for equipment and loot, rather than it just lying on the floor (See below)
## "Search" Action - Players can interact with items in the worls to "search" the contents. These items have been placed inside/near
buildings and include: Wardrobes, Desks, Medical Cabinets, Cardbord Boxes, Vending Machines, Gun Cabinets, Ammo Crates & More.
# [ADDED] # New "Harvest" Action - Survivors attempted to become self seficent, growing crops etc... Greenhouses are "Harvestable" (Placed in most towns.)
6 new food types Harvestable from Greenhouses - All new 3D Models for Potato, Pumpkin, Onion, Turnip, Carrot & Parsnip. (All Cookable)
## Mouldy Food, Opium & Hemp can also be Harvested, These have a purpose for creating items!
### Which crop you get is random, working on a new system for this but for now, it works perfectly well.
# [ADDED] # Humanity Based Skin System. Some Lootable skins are humanity based, when putting on a new set of clothes, the outcome differs depending on Humanity.
NOTE : A good ammount of skins that are NOT humanity based and can be worn by anyone have been introduced also. Final skin choices have NOT been made.
# [ADDED] # Aibility to Create antibiotics, from Mouldy Pumpkin and Opium at Cleansing Centres. Antibiotics Currently still spawn in Hospitals. We are reviewing this depending on availability
of items requires to create them.
# [ADDED] # 7 Brand new Skins, Survivor Skin plus 6 Other Lootable "Local Clothing". All customised for effect.
# [ADDED] # Crafting System - Requires a Nearby Tool Chest, located at various points on the map. Huge craftable item list which is ever expanding.
# [ADDED] # Animated Heli Crashes. 2 Types of Model, Russian MI17 and BAF Chinook HC4. Each Helicopter flies to Pre Crash Waypoint, then To Crash point, explodes, crashes and creates heli crash.
## Russian and Western Loot Tables for relavent Model. Loot radius increased. Obviously the Loot Tables are completely new.
# [ADDED] # Depleatable Fuel System - Fuel is rare in the Future, take care of it!
# [ADDED] # Gut & Ignite Human - Show the ultimate disrespect - Gut your opponent and then set them on fire.
# [ADDED] # Remove clothes from dead Players, regardless of What Humanity dead player has, you get his skin. Your ability to wear it may be restriced however.
# [ADDED] # Vehicle Salvage - Removing parts contains a chance to break considering damage level.
# [ADDED] # Weapons - 100+ weapons, to add variety. Well balanced spawns will be the key. Weapons spawn relative to what they are, russian weapons in the towns, for instance.
## Added weapons have much better animations, recoil, sound etc than the standard ones. Some obviously have been used in other mods, but many are new.
# [ADDED] # Zombies - HazMat, Prison Inmate & Prison Guard
# [ADDED] # Vehicles - Beta Vehicles include the 4 Door Crew Cab Hilux in various colours and specs. Many other vehicles to come, but I have not finished the Skins yet.
# [ADDED] # All new buildings spawn loot, locations are all custom. Some issues with location may occur, report issues pelase
Feature Changes and Adjustments
# [REMOVED] # Helicopters Removed. They break immersion and are hugely overpowered. But in a future update you will be able to CREATE a single seat heli for transport.
# [REMOVED] # All Arma 2/DayZ Weapons Removed. They are all rubbish
# [ADJUSTED] # Food and drink "cans" are much more rare, as expected, but this is balenced by the ability to Harvest food from overgrown vegetable patches.
# [ADJUSTED] # Medical Loot is again, more rare. Craftable Items make up for this.
# [ADJUSTED] # Trash loot levels increased. To Aid Crafting.
- Urs
16. Reports of players spawning at a previous location on relogging. (more info needed, is this after server restart or logging in and out)????
19. Zombies are using hacks i.e. ESP and being arseholes. Will tweak these shortly
27. Anti-Wall script
1. Crafting wood piles from logs disconnects all players to the lobby. FIXED (and live)
2. Repairing G3 with weapon kit disconnects all players to the lobby. FIXED (and live)
3. Adding any attachment to the AK-74 disconnects all players to the lobby. FIXED (and live)
4. Tents not saving through restarts. FIXED (and live)
8. Cannot cook raw vegetables. FIXED (next patch)
9. Backpacks have reverted back to standard vanilla slot count. FIXED (next patch) - see patch notes
10. Animal spawns too low? Need feedback please. Updated the spawn rate (next patch)
11. Nail spawns too low? Need feedback please. (Nail spawns the same as ItemKnife - we don't want them too common)
12. Workbenches spawning in? Need feedback please. WORKING (just low spawn)
13. Sledgehammers spawning in? Need feedback please. FIXED (next patch)
14. Loss of frames after playing for 15 mins or so. Relog seems to fix. We have identified the cause. Working on a fix now. FIXED (and live)
17. Makrov SD currently working as a dinner bell for Zeds. It appears that there is only standard ammo, and no SD. FIXED (next patch) - ADDED Convert to Makarov and SD magazines
18. Pickaxes spawning in? Need feedback please. FIXED (next patch)
21. Corrugated sheets not spawning? Need feedback please.WORKING (just low spawn)
22. Animal spawns are too low. see #10
23. Should be able to cut down any tree. "Must be in a forest" displaying on most. Not a problem?
24. Too many Zombies are spawning!!! CHANGED (next patch)
26. Tool tip on 7.62 silencer says not usable for anything. Can use for M14. FIXED (next patch)
- Urs