Version 0.75
- Urs
Changelog v0.75
<< General >>
Changed: All of the needed files were updated to be compatible with DayZMod
Changed: Hitsounds for infected (you will no longer hear default arma2 hitsound when shooting infected)
Changed: All infected are using (zombieLoot) Namalsk cfgLoot classes now (to counter the amount of loot the infected can spawn using classic DayZMod cfgLoot classes)
Changed: Although you will meet the new infected (viral) during your survival attempts on Namalsk, it uses different (new) classes
Changed: Loot is now more scarce on Namalsk
Changed: Bloodsucker spawn should be more rare again (+spawn density parameter extended, see init.sqf file in mission pbo)
Fixed: Travelling over Tara bridge should be safe again
<< Loot tables >>
Added: "ItemNails" to "genericNamalskNoFood", "genericNamalsk"
Added: "ItemWaterbottleUnfilled" to "militaryNAC"
Added: New types of food into "foodNamalsk"
Changed: All custom "CfgLoot" classes to match the new DayZMod's format
Changed: All custom "CfgBuildingLootNamalsk" classes to match the new DayZMod's format
Changed: Increased the basic infected count in "CfgBuildingLootNamalsk" classes
Changed: Several infected parameters (count, chance,..) in Namalsk loot tables
Changed: The golden mine aka "Land_dlouhy1" building with 53 possible residential loot spots was "relooted" to 25 loot spots
Changed: "BAF_AssaultPack_DZN" changed to "DZ_British_ACU"
Fixed: Few loot positions on some objects to prevent script errors when using this spot to spawn
Removed: "10Rnd_127x99_m107" from "militaryNAC" and "militaryNamalsk"
- Lowered spawn chance of "ItemWatch", "Makarov", "MakarovSD", "Colt1911", "Binocular", "LeeEnfield" and "WeaponHolder_ItemCrowbar"
- "WeaponHolder_MeleeCrowbar" changed to "WeaponHolder_ItemCrowbar"
- Added "MeleeBaseBallBat", "WeaponHolder_ItemHatchet"
- Lowered spawn chance of "WeaponHolder_ItemHatchet", "WeaponHolder_PartEngine", "ItemKnife"
- Increased spawn chance of "trash"
- Added "WeaponHolder_ItemCrowbar"
- "WeaponHolder_ItemMachete" changed to "MeleeMachete"
- Lowered spawn chance of "WeaponHolder_ItemHatchet", "PartWoodPile"
- Increased spawn chance of "trash"
- Increased spawn chance of "trash", "Binocular"
- Lowered spawn chance of "ItemWatch", "Crossbow_DZ"
- Increased spawn chance of "trash"
- Lowered spawn chance of "MedBox0_DZN"
- Lowered spawn chance of "MedBox0_DZN", "AmmoBoxSmall_556" and "AmmoBoxSmall_762"
- Removed spawn of "M107_DZ" and "BAF_AS50_scoped"
- Added spawn of "trash"
- Added spawn of "trash"
- Added spawn of "trash", "Sa58P_EP1" and "Sa58V_EP1"
- Lowered spawn chance of "AmmoBoxSmall_556" and "AmmoBoxSmall_76"
- Added spawn of "trash", Sa58P_EP1 and Sa58V_EP1
- Lowered spawn chance of "AmmoBoxSmall_556" and "AmmoBoxSmall_762"
- Removed spawn of "M107_DZ"
MilitarySpecialNAC, MilitarySpecialNACER7
- Added spawn of "trash", "Sa58P_EP1" and "Sa58V_EP1"
- Lowered spawn chance of "AmmoBoxSmall_556" and "AmmoBoxSmall_762"
- Removed spawn of "M107_DZ"
Version 0.741
- Urs
Change Log v0.741
Changed: Needed files were updated for DayZMod
Changed: G36K -> G36K_camo and G36a -> G36A_camo in loot tables to support multiple sights feature, which are only available in OA variants (*_camo), thanks to Dr.Zed for this suggestion!
Changed: Minor changes / additions to the loot tables of Namalsk to reflect DayZMod's changes (Added machete, changed crossbow, added new types of food, trash, FoodMRE & FoodNutmix to some military loot tables (rare occurence))
Fixed: Loot table loading, no-sniper or no-er7 schemes should once again work now
Change Log v0.74
Added: A portable solder to 'IndustrialNamalsk' loot table (low spawn chance)
Added: Ability to repair broken NVG, radios and GPS (you need toolbox + solder + 2 pieces of broken equipment)
Added: Models for broken GPS, radio and NVG (so you can recognize them lying on the ground - exemplary picture > here)
Added: New weapon VSS Vintorez (class name 'VSS_vintorez_DZN') into 'MilitarySpecialNamalsk', 'MilitarySpecialNamalskWinter', 'MilitarySpecialNAC', 'MilitarySpecialNACER7' loot tables + correct ammo into 'militaryNamalsk' and 'militaryNAC' (note: this weapon is not available in no-sniper rifle loot scheme)
Changed: Some weapon classes to counter DayZMod's newest banning ('MakarovSD' -> 'MakarovSD_DZN';'AKS_GOLD' -> 'AKS_GOLD_DZN';'AK_107_GL_pso' -> 'AK_107_GL_pso_DZN';'AKS_74_UN_kobra' -> 'AKS_74_UN_kobra_DZN';'RPK_74' -> 'RPK_74_DZN';'Saiga12K' -> 'Saiga12K_DZN';'G36_C_SD_eotech' -> 'G36_C_SD_eotech_DZN';'MG36' -> 'MG36_DZN';'BAF_L85A2_UGL_ACOG' -> 'BAF_L85A2_UGL_ACOG_DZN')
Changed: Lowered count of items in 'MedBox0' (5-2-2-2-5), medical box is now represented on Namalsk by the new class called 'MedBox0_DZN'
Changed: Increased chance for dropping 'ItemBloodbag' from killing a bloodsucker
Changed: Tweaked (once again) spawning mechanism of bloodsuckers (because changed somehow spawns of the infected), they should be once again a bit rarer than they used to be (this is of course still configurable using mission parameters)
Changed: Existing files in ns_dayzcode to support newest DayZMod's update changes (
Changed: Working GPS and NVGs are no longer lootable (only broken ones are, working pieces removed from existing loot tables)
Changed: Temperature script change - flying in a helicopter above water, riding a boat, etc. no longer affects negatively your temperature with water factor (only swimming does)
Fixed: 'BrokenNVGoggles' no longer has binoculars model
Removed: 'huntingrifle' (CZ550) from the no-sniper rifles loot scheme
Removed: 'ItemWire' from 'IndustrialNamalsk' loot table
Version 0.73
- Urs
kein Changelog bekannt
Version 0.55
- Urs