Version 1.6.5
- Urs
Kein Changelog bekannt
Version 1.5.0
- Urs
Changelog Day7 Sahrani 1.5.0
- Name is Changed fully to Day 7 Sahrani (@Day7_Sahrani)
- The new enterable buildings I added are now included with loot positions
- The errors with the smd assets that were failing to show are fixed.
- The new animated well pumps and dumpsters are in (no script to populate them with garbage bags or loot yet)
- The drink from well script was adjusted for the above wells, and no longer allows you to drink from one of the brown buildings in the south
Version 1.1.0
- Urs
- Standard DayZ Survivor model removed from spawn and loot table
- Spawn as Sahrani Civilian in Shorts with limited inventory space (6primary/6secondary)
- All units show backpacks including BI and SMD retextured Ghillie Suits
- Updated to latest smd_sahrani_a2 version (includes new grass/spring flower clutter and improved animated destruction for the 1 story dum_istan building)
Version 1.0.0
- Urs
- Map Versions are now sync'd with the Armaholic/A2 version 100 percernt and keys reflect it.
- 100's of new loot positions
- Due to quantity of loot and chances, loot is random in buildings, check EVERYWHERE, OFTEN.
- Fixed buttons in Lobby Screen (no more white drop shadow)
- RACS Zombie cleanup issue fixed
- Server FPS monitor commented out (needless performance drain put back in if you want)
Version 0.9.7
- Urs
- Map Changed to M1lkm8n's latest smd_sahrani_a2 build. This is NOT the same version of the map that is available on Armaholic, this is a much more recent build with tons of additional features/fixes
- Dozens of new buildings. ALL previously included buildings brought up to equal standards. One new model has animated destruction and door breaching. (you can shoot the door apart, and the walls get "blown out" in chunks. (added RPG18 and ammo)
- Thousands of new loot positions, look high, look low, look everywhere
- Armored clothing and Zombies - vests protect Chest/body Helmets protect Head (7.62 headshots still kill 5.56 should too, .45/9mm SHOULD take 2 shots or more)
- Fully re colored UI including:
- Black (semi transparent) debug monitor
- White standardized reticules for EVERYTHING
- Crafting/Gear/Action menu's given background and all made much more readable.
- Color added to some actions (light fire (red), burn storage (orange))
- Dozens of new vehicle textures HMMWV's, SUV's, Bloodied Vehicles etc. (no updated sql tables you must manually add them (RACS, RACS Digital, Desert Atacs, Black Ops, Black Ops Digital)
- Server host should be able to customize spawn in loot (please add a map lol) PLEASE do not exploit this, if there is any reports of "selling gear" I will remove this feature. I am fine with server hosts offering non-advantageous perks to subs, but NO weapons or vehicles etc. Mainly I wanted server hosts to have control over the starting loadout for all players not for it to be used as a motivator for donations.
- All Hint Text moved down so it's viewable while in your gear menu
- Workbench added to crafting (will be used as crafting engine in future build (IE will store more ingredients than your character can, in order to build larger items)
- ALL Weaponized vehicles spawn with no ammo. I believe this will cause loaded ammo in the heli's etc to be lost upon restart.... so find it, load it, shoot it. Or you can store the partial ammo boxes in the vehicles inventory.
- Car bomb Craftable in inventory (requires 1 satchel charge, 1 floppy wires, and 1 elec. scrap) you place the car bomb on a vehicle and it blows up when someone gets in.
Version 0.7.8
- Urs
0.7.8 Change Log
- ALL Bicycle damage reset on restart
- MH and AH6 Magnum PI Heli's
- Storage Counters in Gear Menu (thank you Marcel of the DayZ Community Dev Team!)
- Custom Skins not saving to DB fixed
- "Burn Storage" bug fixed
- Crafted "Storage" not saving to DB fixed
- Crafted "Storage" recipe/storage corrections
- Gun Rack = 3 Wood + 2 Nails
- Capacity = 20/0/0
- Weapon Cache = 4 Wood + 4 Nails
- Capacity = 5/75/0
- Storage Box = 3 Wood + 6 Nails
- Capacity = 20/100/10
- "Drink from well" bug fixed
- Heli Wreck loot fixed (temporary - specific loot per wreck type removed)
- New Vehicles types added to SQL tables
- Refuel bugs fixed
- Repair Vehicle bug fixed
- Skin bug fixes
- "Storage" Crafting bug fixed
- Vilas Weapons
- Zeroing removed from all sidearms
- Magazine types narrowed (keeps ammo a bit rarer, more precious)
- Weapon Config Fixes - MG36 MG36_Camo, M60, large guns should all be backpack friendly.
0.7.7 Change Log
[Updated] - Base code
BUILDINGS + Added Loot
- Army Huts - Added collisions to outside stairs (easier to walk up now)
- Army Huts - Removed ability to crawl under (no more l exploit looting
- Army Huts - Widened collisions on doorways (won't get stuck running through doors)
- Army Huts - Improved loot positions
- Raised Guardhouse - Collisions for stairs fixed now enterable
- Raised Guardhouse - Texture erros fixed, now appears blue i/o white facing sun
- Raised Guardhouse - Loot added
- Arma 1 Pubs - Collisions widened for Stairs and hallways
- Arma 1 Pubs - Improved loot positions
- COUNTLESS sidewalks, retaining walls, and builidings have improved pathing for Zeds
- Green Military Fuel Stations now fill Jerry Cans
- Bloodbag only gives 4k blood
- DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1 // 18 slots
- DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1 //12 slots
- DZ_Backpack_EP1 //24 slots
- DZ_British_ACU //20 slots
- DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1 //22 slots
- DZ_Czech_Vest_Puch //8 slots
- DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1 //10 slots
- DZ_TK_Assault_Pack_EP1 //16 slots
- Bloodbagging is slow 2 min
- Bloodbagging has chance for infection
- Bloodbagging has chance for cutting recipient
- Fire - Build Fire moved to Woodpile NOT matches
- Fire - Light Fire requires Matches or Flares now
- Fire - Storage containers can be burned (tents, ammo caches, Box Storage etc)
- Chop Wood - Takes down most trees
- Chop Wood - Can Be done next to single tree now
- Drink From Well - Added all water sources
- Crossbow - Reload time decreased
- Crossbow - Quiver converted to 20 Round Magazine
- Crafting Recipes Reworked
- Loot Tables - Almost entirely re worked
- Crafting System Modularized
- Flies removed from Dead Players
- Zombie Spawn radius reduced for players in vehicles
- Zombie Spawns completely redone
- Brick - Throw to Kill Zeds
- Crafted Wooden Splint - Crafted Item (Wood + Tape = Wooden Splint)
- Duct Tape - Crafting/Junk
- Icewindo Sahrani Citizens
- Increased drops for Crafting loot
- JSRS key added to server files
- Money - Junk for now
- Propane Tank - Reacts like Jerry Can to Damage (burns)
- Radio Re-added - Can pickup Radio Distress calls from animated heli-wrecks)
- Scrap Elec. Wire - Junk for now
- Scrap Electronics - Junk for now
- Vilas AKS Pack
- Vilas Dutch Pack
- Vilas Police Units with Custom Textures by Pliskin
- Vilas Western Weapons Pack
- Garaz Mala - 1 bay garages
- House Y - 1 story residential
- Olezina 2 story House
- Schnell Gas Station
- Crafting added to Inventory
- Entirely revamped interface
- Made "Streamer Friendly"
- New Gear Menu Colors
- New Lobby by Seven
- New Main Menu Colors
- New Splashscreen by Yoshi
- New UI Colors
- RA_Chat_Off Key added to Server files
- Animated Heli Crashes
- Multiple Types (black ops, racs, un, standard UH1, blops, un, standard Mi17, and Mh60)
- Highly Tunable (frequency, loot, smoke, distress call radius)
- Chance for Radio Distress call upon Heli going down
- Auto Refuel added to Gas Stations ONLY
- Burn Storage
- Chop Down Tree
- Custom Skins added to inventory of Dead Players (prevents duping bug for Strip clothes script)
- Self Bloodbagging
- Slow - 2min for "succesful tranfusion"
- CAN NOT MOVE during transfusion
- Chance of Infection
- Chance for bleeding
- 4k blood only from full bloodbag
- can not administer bloodbag in combat
- Side Chat Voice discouragement
- Skin_SMD_ATACS_DES - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)
- Skin_SMD_ATACS_URBAN - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)
- Skin_SMD_RACS_MP - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- Skin_SMD_RACS_MP_Tan - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- Skin_SMD_RACS_MP_Tan_Digi - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- Skin_SMD_RACS_Soldier - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- Skin_SMD_RACS_Soldier_Digi - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- Skin_SMD_RACS_SWAT - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- Skin_SMD_SPD_BLUE - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- Skin_SMD_SPD_BLUE_DIGI - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- Skin_SMD_SPD_SWAT_BLACK - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- Skin_SMD_SPD_SWAT_BLACK_DIGI - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- Skin_SMD_US_SpecOps - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- Skin_SMD_US_SpecOps_DIGI - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- Skin_SMD_US_SpecOps_MP_DIGI - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- Skin_SniperD_DZ - (Bohemia Original Texture reworked by ShermanFTW)
- Skin_SniperLight_DZ - (Bohemia Original Texture)
- AH6X_SMD_ATACS - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)
- AH6X_SMD_RACS - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)
- AH6X_SMD_RACS_DIGI - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)
- C130_SMD_ATACS - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)
- C130_SMD_BLOPS - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)
- C130_SMD_BLOPS_DIGI - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)
- C130_SMD_DZ - Arma Model Degun/radar'd for DayZ
- C130_SMD_UN - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)
- Ikarus_SMD_COKE - (Bohemia Texture reworked by ZombieDanceLeader/Retouched by ShermanFTW)
- Ikarus_SMD_OPENDAYZ - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)
- LandRover_SMD_RACS - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)
- LandRover_SMD_RACS_DIGI - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)
- MH60S_DZ - Arma Model Degun/radar'd for DayZ
- Mi17_Civilian_DZ - Arma Model Degun/radar'd for DayZ
- Mi17_SMD_BLOPS - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)
- Mi17_UN_CDF_EP1 - Arma Model Degun/radar'd for DayZ
- MV22_DZ - Arma Model Degun/radar'd for DayZ
- UH1H_SMD_ATACS - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)
- UH1H_SMD_BLOPS - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)
- UH1H_SMD_BLOPS_DIGI - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)
- UH1H_SMD_RACS - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)
- UH1H_SMD_RACS_DIGI - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)
- UH1H_SMD_UN - (Bohemia Texture reworked by Pliskin)
- z_RACSzombie //Tan Camo Helmet/Pads- (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- z_RACSzombie2 //Sherriff *Removed for now
- z_RACSzombie3 //Black Camo Helmet/Pads- (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- z_RACSzombie4 //US SPEC OPS Helmet/Pads- (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- z_RACSzombie5 //Tan Flat No Helmet/Pads- (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- z_RACSzombie6 //Tan Flat bdu AND vest No Helmet/Pads Blended Vest- (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- z_RACSzombie7 //Tan digi bdu AND vest No Helmet/Pads Blended Vest- (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- z_RACSzombie8 //Tan digi bdu Black vest - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- z_RACSzombie9 // US BLOPS Black digi bdu AND vest No Helmet/Pads Blended Vest- (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- z_RACSzombie10 //US BLOPS Black Digi Camo Helmet/Pads- (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- z_RACSzombie11 //SPD SWAT Black Digi Camo Helmet/Pads- (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- z_RACSzombie12 //SPD Blue digi bdu Black vest - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- z_RACSzombie13 //SPD Blue bdu Black vest - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- z_RACSzombie14 //SPD Black bdu Black vest - (Vilas Model SMD original Texture by Pliskin)
- z_sah_civilian1_pants
- z_sah_civilian1_shorts
- z_sah_civilian2_pants
- z_sah_civilian2_shorts
- z_sah_civilian3_pants
- z_sah_civilian3_shorts
- z_sah_civilian4_pants
- z_sah_civilian4_shorts
- z_sah_civilian5_pants
- z_sah_civilian5_shorts
- z_sah_civilian6_pants
- z_sah_civilian6_shorts
- z_sah_civilian7_pants
- z_sah_civilian7_shorts
[Removed] Nothing!
Version 0.2.1
- Urs